Physics 10420: Elementary Cosmology. Links

Links referenced in class


Mathworld Ellipse Animation
Comet Animation
The Pioneer Mission
The Voyager Mission
The Pluto Mission
The Gemini Observatory
The Large Binocular Telescope
The Keck Observatory
The Subaru Observatory
The Hubble Observatory
The James Webb Observatory
The Astronomy Picture of the Day
Online Star Maps
The 100 Closest Stars
The Messier Objects
The 2 micron all sky survey
The NGC/IC online lookup
Students for Education and Exploration of Space
Rutherford Scattering
Your radiation exposure
Mars Retrograde motion-I
Mars Retrograde motion-II
Lunar Phases Animation
Lunar Phases movie
Lunar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
Ptolemaic Model of Mars Motion
Ptolemaic Model of Mercury Motion
Animations of the Almagest
Mathworld Ellipse Animation
Nuclear Fission
Nuclear Explosion Videos
Chandra Xray Satellite Observatory
Dr Quantum Double Slit Experiment
Dr Quantum in Flatland
Supernovae Explosion
Sloan Digital Sky Survey