Graduate Research
"Elementary Particle Physics" Physics 152. Spring 2001,2002 (Stanford University)
"General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) for Engineers " Physics 132 Fall 2004
"General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) for Engineers " Physics 10320 Fall 2005
"Elementary Cosmology for freshman humanities students" Physics 10240 Fall 2006
"Elementary Cosmology for freshman humanities students" Physics 10240 Fall 2007
"Elementary Cosmology for freshman humanities students" Physics 10240 Fall 2008
Particle Physics and Cosmology for Senior Physics Majors Physics 40602 Spring 2010
Physics 10111. Non calculus introductory physics for freshman Fall 2010-2014
Particle Physics and Cosmology for Senior Physics Majors Spring 2011-2016
"Physics 50602 Particle Physics and Cosmology for Senior Physics Majors Spring 2011-2017 "
Physics 10240
Spring 2017
"Elementary Cosmology for freshman humanities students " Physics 10240
Spring 2017
Graduate Teaching
"Introduction to Particle Physics" Physics 617 Spring 2004
"Introduction to Particle Physics" Physics 617 Spring 2005
"Introduction to Particle Physics" Physics 80601 Spring 2006
"Introduction to Particle Physics" Physics 80601 Spring 2007
"Introduction to Particle Physics" Physics 80601. Spring 2008
"Introduction to Particle Physics" Physics 80601. Spring 2009