Classification & Identification of Metamorphic Rocks

Classification of Metamorphic Rocks is based primarily on texture, color and kinds and proportions of minerals present. See Table 5.2.

To identify a metamorphic rock:
First identify the texture.
If it is foliated, use a name consistent with the foliation.
The name is then modified by dominant mineral names (if possible) – quartz-biotite schist. Sometimes igneous names can be used – granitic gneiss.

If a rock is non-foliated, it is named by mineral content or recognition of relict textures:

Serpentinite (made of serpentine)
Anthracite (hard coal, conchoidal fracture, vitreous luster)
Greenstone or greenschist = low to medium grade metamorphosed basalt, andesite, gabbro.
Amphibolite = higher grade metamorphism of basalt, andesite, gabbro.
Metaconglomerate, metagraywacke, and metachert = metamorphic equivalents of these metamorphic rocks.
Hornfels: general name for contact metamorphosed rocks that a re non-foliated and too fine grained for individual minerals to be identified.