Chapter 15 Outline
A. Tariffs
1. A tariff is a tax levied upon a good when it crosses a nation's border.
2. Because a tariff increases the domestic price of a good, consumers are worse off and domestic producers are better off.
3. Because a tariff redirects resources from industries that have a comparative advantage to those that have a comparative disadvantage, society is made worse off.
B. Quotas
1. An import quota specifies the maximum amount of a good that may be imported during a time period.
2. The effects of a quota are similar to the effects of a tariff.
a. One difference is the fact that a tariff generates revenue for the federal government; a quota does not.
b. Another difference is the fact that a quota may result in a higher price than a tariff because imports cannot respond to an increase in demand.
C. Voluntary Export Restraints
1. A voluntary export restraint (VER) is an agreement between importing and exporting countries whereby exporting nations agree to limit the mount of a good shipped to importing nations.
2. Like a tariff and quota, a VER increases the price of a good and redirects resources from industries that have a comparative advantage to those that have a comparative disadvantage.
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