

Stats.xls is an Excel workbook for doing basic statistics calculations and charting at the level of a typical introductory course. It has been most recently updated on 11/9/2017


If you can open an Excel spreadsheet on your computer, then you can immediately use Stats.xls. It is an ordinary Excel file; it is not an add-in; no macros are used; no "installation" is required. It works on stand-alone and networked PCs and Macs (dating back to Excel versions circa 2003).


Stats.xls should be easier to use than most statistics packages or Excel add-ins for statistics. With Stats.xls, you simply enter your raw data or summary statistics directly into the specified cells and all calculations and charts are instantly displayed. There is no need to navigate a menu structure. Instructions appear on each worksheet.


Unlike most stats packages, you can customize Stats.xls to your heart's content.


Stats.xls is free to individual users. All others, please contact the author.


Here is what Stats.xls does:


1.    Plots histograms based on interval and categorical data.

2.    Performs interval estimation for means and proportions for one and two populations.

3.    Computes samples sizes for interval estimation for means and proportions for one population.

4.    Performs hypothesis tests for means and proportions for one and two populations.

5.    Plots process control charts.

6.    Performs simple linear regression and scatter plots. Calculates confidence and prediction intervals.

7.    Performs multiple linear regression.


Download Stats.xls here.


Here is another Excel workbook that does the following:


1.    Plots normal distributions.

2.    Illustrates, by using simulation, how well interval estimation for the mean of one population works.



David Hartvigsen

Mendoza College of Business

University of Notre Dame


Copyright 2016 David Hartvigsen