Dan Lindley


Associate Professor

Department of Political Science

2170 Jenkins and Nanovic Halls

University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, IN 46556

Phone: 574-631-3226; Email: dlindley "at" nd.edu; Office Hours: Wednesdays 14:15-15:45; Thursdays 15:45-17:15; and by appointment


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BLOGNEWS/VIEWS:  Abuaardvark ACWonk AFJ ArmChrGenl Cole DangerRm DefenseTech Duck of Minerva FP mega blog ISSForum LongWar HLSWPolitico PolViolGlance SecrecyNews Slate TPMCafe WarIsBoring WaronRocks    Formerly great but now dead links:   Arkinx CtrTerr DreznerIntelDumpx

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Lindley Teaching Links:

** Political Science 13181/13201:   USEM:  POLS 13201/13181 Fall 2019 Syl (Debating Great Articles) Fall 2021 Fall 2023   Fall 2024   Causes of War Variant, COW Spring 2025: International Security Studies Variant: ISS

** Political Science 20200: Introduction to International Relations: POLS 20200

** Political Science 30201: Introduction to US Foreign Policy: POLS 30201

** Political Science 30210: U.S. National Security Policymaking: History, Institutions, and Processes  POLS 30210 Fall 2021 Fall 2022 Fall 2023  Fall 2024 

** Political Science 43001/2: Causes of War: POLS 43001/2

** Political Science 53002: Causes of War Snr Sem: POLS 53002 Causes of War

** Political Science 60200: Great Books in Foreign Policy and Security Studies POLS 60200

** Political Science 60233: Great Books in International Relations Theory POLS 60233

** Political Science 60226/1: International Security POLS 60226 syl

** Political Science 60242: Grad IR Theory Seminar  POLS 60242

** Handouts and advice on writing, reading, speaking, making theoretically-informed arguments, writing cover letters, course theories and concepts, my letter of recommendation policy, how to be a good intern or graduate student, international relations syllabi and reading lists, and more: HANDOUTS and ADVICE

** Internship information: ND Poli Sci Dept:   POLS Internship List ; WIIS FP Internship database: via: WIIS (hoping it comes back; still a worthy site);  Scoville Peace Fellowship (w/overview of arms control groups): Scoville .  Another list: Opportunities

** Top ten IR MA programs:  Top Ten says FP ; Graduate Schools in International Affairs/APSIA (MAs, mostly);  More IR School rankings: PhD programs, undergraduate programs, etc:  IR!

** Best collection of National Security/Foreign Affairs links: Arkin

Lindley Research  (CV):


** Promoting Peace with Information: Transparency as a Tool of Security Regimes, book manuscript  Amazon PPI draft chap. 1 PPI Princeton University Press Book Information PPI jacket Reviewed in Perspectives on Politics Reviewed in JOP Amazon

** "The Concert of Europe, Transparency, and Crisis Management," COE

** ""Cooperative Airborne Monitoring: Opening the Skies to Promote Peace, Protect the Environment, and Cope with Natural Disasters," Open Skies  

** "Untapped Power? The Status of U.N. Information Operations,"   Info Ops

Large-N work: Miscalculation and War; Pre-Emptive and Preventive War

** "Is War Rational? The Extent of Miscalculation and Misperception as Causes of War."  IWR Article IWR Article .html IWR Master Data Workbook  IWR Tables, Graphs, and Calculations Workbook  IWR Technical Appendix  IWR TA .html

** "The Practice of Pre-emptive and Preventive Wars: What is the Custom?" Pre Pre Wars  PP Wars Worksheet

Cyprus and Aegean Security

** "The Iraq War and the Troubled Us-Turkish Alliance: Some Conclusions for Europe" (2006) with Ozlem Kayhan  Turkey

** "Historical, Tactical, and Strategic Lessons from the Partition of Cyprus" Partition ) 

** "UNFICYP and theCyprus Problem, A Strategic Assessment:" UNFICYP Reaction

** "Dismantling the Cyprus Conspiracy," Co-author: Caroline Wenzke MPSA 2009

** "The Republic of Cyprus' Road to European Union Accession: Missed Opportunities to Promote a Cyprus Solution" Cyprus

Discrete Projects

** "Lost Cost Nuclear Arms Races," with Kevin Clemency; BAS:  Arms Races  Supporting Analysis  Fissile Stockpiles.pdf  Worldwide Nuke Deployments.pdf  Costs of Arms Races.pdf   Global Nuke Inventories 45-10.pdf

** Why So Much Anti-Americanism Now? The Perceptions and Realities of U.S. Power and Its Way of War War

** "Flights of Fancy: The Misuse of Analogies and British Planning for Strategic Bombing in the Interwar Period," FOF

** "UNDOF: Operational Analysis and Lessons Learned," UNDOF

** Dr.  Strangelove: Study and appreciation notes: Feed Me (translated into French (!!) by N Harmann); shorter but less fun version at: PS Teacher     Reactions    Good Dr. S site

** Lindley War Prediction Table


Lindley Commentary on Foreign Policy:

** The Syria Deal: What Happened and Why We Should Support It. (9/11/13)

Thoughts on Iraq/world/foreign policy: Iraq war 

** The Campaign Against WMD Terrorism, April 2002 (Kroc Institute Occasional Paper): Campaign Discusses why the threat of WMD terrorism makes fighting the war on terrorism an urgent priority, talks about the many instruments needed to wage this campaign, and rebuts arguments of critics of the war in Afghanistan.

** Fighting to Prevent WMD Terrorism, Dec 2001: Not Revenge

** Comments and remarks on the September 11, 2001 attacks, Sept 11-13, 2001 (ND Observer and South Bend Tribune): Comments

** U.S. Casualty Intolerance: A Dangerous Myth, Oct 26, 2001 (Chicago Sun-Times): Myth

** Terrorist Warnings? Increased Vigilance? Tell Us What to Do, Dec 2001: Alerts (The govt has told us what to do, see http://www.ready.gov/ and call 1.800.480.2520 to get FEMA's Are You Ready? A Guide to Citizen Preparedness - FEMA publication H-34; (better than "Preparing Makes Sense. Get Ready Now" at 1-800-BE-READY (1-800-237-3239))

** Terrorism is War, but Justice Isn't Arbitrary, Feb 2002 (Indianapolis Star): War

** The Arrogance of the Dogmatic Left and Right, Nov 2001 (ND Observer): Arrogance

** Voice Of America (VOA) Interview on rebels in Colombia, June 2002: Colombia

** War Against Iraq: Too Many 'Ifs,' Sept 2002: Iraq

** War Against Iraq: A Dangerous Bet, Oct 2002 (Chicago Tribune; adapted for ND Scholastic Feb 2003): Iraq3

** Pyrrhic Diplomacy, March 2003 (South Bend Tribune): Tragic

** Why the Iraq War is already lost, why we may well lose Afghanistan, and why we are losing the war on terror, Oct. 2, 2006; also at: IUSB ADP

** Cyprus After Rejection of the Annan Plan: What Is to be Done?: post-Annan

** Press and Media: Media

** Speech to graduating political science majors, class of 2009, May 17, 2009. Ramen Noodles


Heck, I reckon you wouldn't even be human beings if you didn't have some pretty strong personal feelings about nuclear combat.

What does it all mean? Activate the CRM 114




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 mydearrikki , said Karellen, 'it's only by not taking the human race seriously that I retain those fragments of my once considerable mental powers that I still possess."  Arthur Clarke, Childhood's End