Sample Grading Template for Lindley Papers
Good: □ Ok: □ Poor:□ 1. Is there a clear summary introduction (question, answer, roadmap)? How clearly is the argument stated? Is “what caused what” clear? Is this an interesting or ambitious topic? What could be improved in the introduction?
Good: □ Ok: □ Poor:□ 2. Is the use of theory in answering the question/explaining the event clear and appropriate? Does the theory fit the case? Are there predictions framed? What is missing? What could be improved?
Good: □ Ok: □ Poor:□ 3. How persuasive is the argument? Is there convincing evidence? What is missing? What could be improved?
Good: □ Ok: □ Poor:□ 4. Are counterarguments addressed? How well? Are any main candidates missing?
Good: □ Ok: □ Poor:□ 5. Writing style: Are the proportions of the paper spent on intro, theory, evidence, counterarguments, and conclusion about right? Is the writing error free or filled with awks? What can the student do to improve his/her writing?