Dan Lindley


Promoting Peace with Information:

Transparency as a Tool of Security Regimes

November 14, 2005



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Sources Consulted but Not Cited:



New York/UN


            The following took place in New York between April 16 and 26, 1996 at the U.N. headquarters unless otherwise noted.

Lubbers, Ruud, former Prime Minister, Netherlands, at the Rockefeller Foundation; 4/16

Doyle, Dr. Michael, Senior Fellow, International Peace Academy at the Academy; 4/19

Eckhard, Fred, Senior Liaison Officer, Department of Peacekeeping Operations; 4/19

Kimball, Eliza, Senior Political Affairs Officer, Department of Peacekeeping Operations; 4/19

Annabi, Hedi, Director, Africa Division, Department of Peacekeeping Operations; 4/22

Breed, Henry, Political Affairs Officer, Department of Peacekeeping Operations; 4/23

Carlson, Stan, Chief, Situation Center, Department of Peacekeeping Operations; 4/23

Verheul, Adriaan, Political Affairs Officer, Department of Peacekeeping Operations; 4/23

Yacoumopoulou, Lena, Film/Video Archives, Department of Public Information; 4/23 -24

de Albuquerque, Joao Lins, Media Division, Department of Public Information; 4/24

Gomez, Joao Carlos, Media Division, Department of Public Information; 4/24

Kennedy, Kevin, Chief, Peace and Security Section, Department of Public Information; 4/24

Whitehouse, Steve, Video Section, Department of Public Information; 4/24


Kawakami, Takahisa, Principal Officer, Asia and Middle East Division, Department of Peacekeeping Operations; 4/25


Schottler, Frederick, Information Officer, Peace and Security Section, Department of Public Information; 4/25

El-Amir, Ayman, Chief, Radio Section, Department of Public Information; 4/26

Titov, Dmitry, Principal Officer, Department of Peacekeeping Operations; 4/26


            The following interviews took place on Cyprus between May 6 and June 6, 1996. Except for the government, embassy, and other sources clearly indicated, most interviews took place with UNFICYP personnel in UNFICYP headquarters and other UNFICYP facilities. I had numerous casual conversations with many of these sources and other UNFICYP personnel.

Rokoszewski, Waldemar, Spokesman, UNFICYP; 5/6, 6/6

Vartiainen, ATP Ahti, Brigadier General, Force Commander, UNFICYP; 5/7

Talbot, Ian, Colonel, Chief of Staff, UNFICYP; 5/8

Feissel, Gustave, Chief of Mission UNFICYP, Deputy SRSG; 5/8

Parker, Nick, Lt. Colonel, Chief Operations Officer, UNFICYP; 5/9, 5/14


Snowdon, Andrew, Lt. Colonel, Commanding Officer, Sector Two; British Contingent, UNFICYP; 5/10

Barnard, Andrew, Major, Battery Commander, UNFICYP; 5/10

Skinner, Lieutenant, UNFICYP; 5/10

Jones, Elwyn, Bombardier, UNFICYP; 5/10

Tereso, Jorges, Lt. Colonel, Chief Humanitarian Officer, UNFICYP; 5/14

Petrides, Thalia, Director, European Affairs, Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs; 5/15

Theophanous, Andreas, Dr., Director, Center for Research and Development, Intercollege; 5/15


Pantelides, Leonides, Dr., Political Officer, Cyprus Problem Division, Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs; 5/16

Cowie, Raymond, Bombardier, UNFICYP; 5/24

Walsh, Major, Battery Commander, UNFICYP; 5/24-25

Fetter, David, Military Attache, U.S. Embassy, Cyprus; 6/4

Koenig, John, First Secretary, Political Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Cyprus; 6/4

Lister, John, Mr., Second Secretary, Political Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Cyprus; 6/4

Plumer, Aytug, Under-Secretary; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defense, "TRNC;" 6/5

Altiok, Asim, Director/Representative, Consular and Minority Affairs Dept., "TRNC;" 6/5

Schmitz, Peter, Senior Advisor, UNFICYP; 6/6


            The following interviews took place with UNDOF personnel in Syria at UNDOF headquarters and various positions on the Golan Heights from May 20 to May 22, 1996.

Luijten, Sander, Captain; 5/20

Seng, Jeffrey, Major; 5/20

Kawazu, Ken-Ichi, Captain, Deputy Military Public Information Officer; 5/20

Deschambault, Richard, Captain/Major, Military Public Information Officer; 5/20

Kosters, Johannes, Major-General, Force Commander; 5/21

Mixuliszyn, Romuald, Major, Doctor and Chief Medical Officer; 5/21

Holder, Lt. Colonel, Chief Military Personnel Officer; 5/21

Thaller, Stefan, Lt. Colonel, Chief Operations Officer; 5/21

Moidl, Werner, Captain, Operations Duty Officer; 5/21

Torping, Mats, Lt. Colonel, Chief, Observer Group Golan; 5/21

Binas, Lech, Lt. Colonel, Chief Liaison and Protocol Officer; 5/21

Yakcich, Antonio, Lt. Colonel; 5/21

Perez-Berbain, Francisco, Major; 5/21

(non-attribution), Polbatt Commander; 5/22

Gruber, Captain, Commander, 3rd Company, Ausbatt; 5/22

Klinger, Sergeant; 5/22


            These interviews with U.N. personnel from UNDOF, UNTSO, and UNIFIL took place in Israel at U.N. facilities in the locations indicated from May 27 to May 31, 1996.

Carnapas, Zenon, Senior Advisor, UNTSO, Jerusalem; 5/27

Knight, Bob, Major, Deputy Chief of Operations Officer, UNTSO, Jerusalem; 5/28

Kapetanovic, Lt. Commander, Senior Operations Officer, UNTSO, Jerusalem; 5/28

Oksanen, Jaakko, Colonel, Deputy Chief of Staff, UNTSO, Jerusalem; 5/28

Kupolati, R. M., Major-General, Chief of Staff, UNTSO, Jerusalem; 5/28

Hossinger, Helmut, Lt. Colonel, Chief Military Personnel Officer, UNTSO, Jerusalem; 5/28

French, Anthony, Mr., Senior Legal Advisor, UNTSO, Jerusalem; 5/28

Bernard, Manfred, Captain, UNTSO/OGG-T, Tiberias; 5/30

Martin, Ray, Lt. Colonel, UNTSO/OGG-T, Tiberias; 5/30

Kuppens, Tom, Captain, UNTSO/OGG-T, Tiberias; 5/30

Chase, Bob, Major, UNTSO/OGG-T, Tiberias; 5/30

Pack, Major, Duty Officer, UNIFIL, Nahariya; 5/31

Lindvall, Mikael, Press and Information Officer, UNIFIL, Nahariya; 5/31

Other Interviews and Correspondence

In chronological order:

Interview, Susan Allee, Senior Political Affairs Officer and desk officer for UNDOF, U.N. Department of Peacekeeping Operations, July 16, 2003.

telephone interview with Chris Coleman, Team Leader for UNMEE, U.N. Department of Peacekeeping Operations, January 29, 2003;

email correspondence with Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Denmark, January 2003;

Telephone interview, Dario Baroni, Desk Officer, Fondation Hirondelle, Geneva, Switzerland, January 28, 2003.

 Telephone interview, David Wimhurst, U.N. DPKO, October 24, 2003.

Telephone interview, Susan Manuel, Chief of Section, Peace and Security Programs, U.N. Department of Public Information, November 24, 2003.

Telephone interview, Simon Davies, December 19, 2003., Info Officer, UNDPKO (WAS: Simon Davies (currently with UNLB (Logistics Base) in Brindisi, IT, then UNIMIL]

David Smith David Smith, Chief of Information to the UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC), TI Feb 4, 2003.

email correspondence Timothy Carney, November 10, 2003 and Stephen Heder November 10, 2003;

Tory Holt, Senior Associate, Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington, D.C., January 28, 2003;

Caroline Earle, Research Analyst, Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington, D.C., January 28, 2003; Susan Manuel, January 29, 30, 2003;

Colonel Mike Dooley, Joint Logistics Officer, U.S. Army Peacekeeping Institute, Carlisle Barracks, PA, January 29, 2003;

William Durch, Senior Associate, Henry L. Stimson Center and former Project Director for the Panel on U.N. Peace Operations, May 16, 2003.

Email correspondence, Eleanor Beardsley, Press Officer, UNMIK, and Senior Editor, Focus Kosovo, Kosovo, January 2003. Also, TI on Eleanor Beardsley Spoke 11/3/03:

Frederick M. Schottler Information Officer, Peace and Security Section, Department of Public Information, Telephoned November 10, 2003 and email corresp 2/2/03.

John Darby, Professor of Comparative Ethnic Studies, Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, in a conversation on November 2, 2005.

telephone interview with Francis X. Stenger, Deputy Division Chief for implementation of the Open Skies Treaty at the DoD Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), November 3, 2005. Series of emails November 2005.