CSE 40822 / Project Presentations

Project Presentations

In the final two weeks of class, you will give an oral presentation on your final project. The project need not be entirely complete, but you should be able to show substantial progress, giving evidence that the main functionality of your project is working.

Each talk will occupy TEN minutes, followed by five minutes for questions and transition. Given the time limit, you must stick carefully to your message, and practice your talk multiple times with your group members. Keep in mind that you have been thinking about your project for a while, but your audience has not. So, start from a high level and explain the overall objective and the structure of the system that you have built.

Your talk should be accompanied by 5-10 carefully prepared slides. You may use any tool that you like to create slides, but you must email them to me in PDF form by 9:00 AM the day of your presentation so I can load them on the class computer. (There won't be time for mucking around with laptops, cables, etc.)

Use your slides to back up what you say to the audience. Don't just write out the words that you plan to say; that gets old quickly. Instead, give a diagram of the components of your system and describe how they interact. Or, give a screenshot of your system in action and explain what it is doing. Or, give a code snippet on the screen and explain what is interesting about it.

In a long talk, speakers often give outline slides describing the whole structure of the talk: Introduction, Overview, Methods, Results, Related Work, Conclusion. Don't do this in a short talk.

Finally, be considerate of your classmates -- be present at all of the class sessions and ask thoughtful questions about the many exciting projects. An attendance sheet will be circulated.


Your grade will be based on the following rubric:
  • Does the presentation adequately cover all aspects of the project: the objective or problem to be solved, the structure and technologies used, one or more interesting challenges, and the result of the work?
  • Has substantial progress on the project been made? Is the main functionality working correctly?
  • Are the slides prepared with care, including at least one excellent diagram that shows the structure of the system and how the components interact?
  • Is the oral presentation loud and clear, with each group member participating, and completing the presentation within the time limit?
  • Did the project members attend everyone else's talks and ask appropriate questions?
  • Schedule

    Monday, December 1st: Wednesday, December 3rd: Friday, December 5th:
    (Time between talks reduced to two minutes) Monday, December 8th: Wednesday, December 10th:
    CSE 40822 / Project Presentations