CBE 30355 - Lecture Notes - Sept. 13, 2022
Class notes
Read through pages 75-88 of the notes and view the online narration below. Don't forget to complete the quiz in Canvas!
The main points of the lecture were
After this class you should be able to:
- Derive an integral equation governing conservation of momentum.
- Apply it to determine all relevant forces in a pipe or other geometries.
- The class notes.
- BS&L, chapter 2
Additional Readings:
In our class demonstration today we looked at how a thin drop of dye (water)
breaks up when dropped onto a concentrated surfactant (Triton X-100). The water
drop was torn apart forming streamers and several generations of a fractal pattern.
Fractals are the result of non-linear dynamical systems, and are often found in fluid
mechanics. For a website with lots of interesting videos of fractals, you can go
here. The fractal we saw in class
is the same as the "Bloom" fractal, the fourth one down on the page. The site also provides
an elementary course on fractals given
Breakup of an inviscid drop on a concentrated surfactant.