CBE 30355 - Lecture Notes - Sept. 28, 2023
Class notes
Read through pages 142-157 of the notes and view the online narration below. Don't forget to complete the quiz in Canvas!
The main points of the lecture were
After this class you should be able to:
- Render the equations of motion dimensionless.
- Apply the law of dynamic similarity to develop scale models.
- The class notes.
- BS&L, chapter 3
Additional Readings:
Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor is generally regarded as the preeminent fluid
dynamicist of the 20th century. His genius was to combine detailed mathematical
treatment of complex phenomena with simple, precise experimental results. In class we
demonstrated one of the many phenomena associated with his name - the
Taylor-Couette instability. For a discussion of this and other phenomena associated
with G. I. Taylor, go here.
The reference to Taylor-Couette flow is about half-way through the article (download the pdf file). A brief
biographical sketch of G.I. Taylor is given
Matlab Example:
For homework you are asked to to a simple error calculation to determine the confidence interval of a calculated value. An example of how this can be done via the standard formula and via MC simulation is given in the file mcerrordemo.m.