CBE 30355 - Lecture Notes - Nov. 12, 2024
Class notes
Read through pages 245-257 of the notes and view the online narration below. Don't forget to complete the quiz in Canvas!
The main points of the lecture were
- Inviscid, Irrotational, Potential Flows: Flow past a Cylinder
After this class you should be able to:
- Calculate the velocity distribution for inviscid, irrotational flow via solution to Laplace's equation.
- Know what boundary layer separation and pressure recovery mean!
- The class notes.
- BS&L, chapter 4
Additional Readings:
Today we talked about inviscid flow past a cylinder, and by analogy invicid flow
past a wing. The wings on airplanes are really very simple things in comparison to the
complex dynamics associated with the flight of living organisms such as birds and
insects. The key difference is that the wings of planes pretty much stay fixed in
orientation while air blows over them, while for animals the wing is in usually in
constant motion. This is particularly true for insects: it has often been said that a
bumblebee really shouldn't be able to fly, yet somehow it manages anyway. For a
fascinating look at the world of insect flight, check out the research being done at
Berkeley described
A sphere and a jet: demonstration of Magnus Lift and the Coanda Effect.