echo on %This program takes in the particle identifications and linked lists made by %the program pivanal.m and generates a quiver plot of velocities. You need %to enter the basename of the picture images, as the required data is produced %by the program pivanal.m, and stored under the name 'basenamelinks.mat'. The %velocity data generated here is stored under the name 'basenamevel.mat'. %You will need to enter in the vertical location of the center of the video images %(in cm, relative to the wire), as well as the pixel calibration factors %in both x (up) and y (across) directions. %First we load in the data: echo off basename=input('Enter the base filename: ','s'); filename=[basename,'links.mat']; load(filename) %We now have the three data variables nlinks xlinks and ylinks. First we %adjust the x and y center and calibration. Remember that x should be "up", %and that the data is in row-column format. %We have the center of the image and calibration factors (these will have to %be measured for every camera setting!): xcalib=177; %pixels/cm ycalib=177; %pixels/cm xcenter=input('Enter the vertical center of the image relative to the wire: '); %We need to know the size of the pictures used in obtaining the data (whether %widescreen or standard). Since the images go pretty much all the way across %in the y direction, we can test the maximum pixel value for y. ytest=max(max(ylinks)); nx=480; ny=640; %default standard values. if ytest>641 nx=540; ny=960; end if ytest>961 nx=720; ny=1280; end xlinks=((nx-10)/2-xlinks)/xcalib+xcenter; ylinks=(ylinks-(ny-10)/2)/ycalib; u=zeros(size(nlinks)); v=zeros(size(nlinks)); xc=zeros(size(nlinks)); yc=zeros(size(nlinks)); for i=1:length(nlinks) x=xlinks(i,1:nlinks(i))'; y=ylinks(i,1:nlinks(i))'; t=[0:nlinks(i)-1]'/30; %The time base in seconds a=[ones(nlinks(i),1),t]; fitu=a\x; fitv=a\y; u(i)=fitu(2); v(i)=fitv(2); xc(i)=mean(x); yc(i)=mean(y); end % We need to determine the center of the velocity profile in the horizontal % direction. This is fairly tricky to actually measure (particularly if % the profile is unstable!), so instead we calculate it from the velocity % profile itself. We divide the data up into strips at different vertical % positions and then determine the maximum velocity in each strip. We then % plot up the lateral location of these max velocity points vs. height and % fit a line to the data. This will allow us to automatically correct for % lateral drift of the velocity profile, but only works if there are a % sufficient number of data points that we get a good read on the maximum % in each strip. Note that you may need to play with the width and the % number of strips to get better measurement of the center of the profile! width = 1.5; %The width of the measurements above x=0 nstrips = 6; %The number of strips we look at loweredge = [0:nstrips-1]/nstrips*width+median(xc)-width/2; upperedge = loweredge+width/nstrips; xmax = zeros(nstrips,1); ymax = zeros(nstrips,1); for k=1:nstrips i = find(xc>loweredge(k)&xc0.05 %We choose a value of 0.5mm for the maximum uncertainty. figure(5) plot(yc,u,'*') title('The profile center could not be determined automatically. Click on the center in the graph.') [y0,junk]=ginput(1); xfit(1) = y0; xfit(2) = 0; end %And we subtract this shift off from the original data: yc = yc - [ones(size(xc)),xc]*xfit; [nn nm] = size(ylinks); ylinks=ylinks - ([ones(size(xc)),xc]*xfit)*ones(1,nm); %There are errors associated with PIV, particularly if there is a spurious image %in the camera which simply doesn't move. This yields a zero velocity, which can %lead to errors. We can reduce this problem by only keeping data points for which %the velocity is greater than some threshold fraction of the average velocity: speed=(u.^2+v.^2).^.5; minspeed=.1*mean(abs(speed)); i=find(speed>minspeed); u=u(i); v=v(i); yc=yc(i); xc=xc(i); xlinks=xlinks(i,:); ylinks=ylinks(i,:); %Now we can plot all these calculated velocities up. We reverse the shift %so that the quiver plot is in the original image reference frame. figure(4) plot(ylinks+([ones(size(xc)),xc]*xfit)*ones(1,nm),xlinks,'.') title(['Quiver plot of measured velocities for ',basename]) xlabel('y (cm)') ylabel('x (cm)') hold on quiver(yc+[ones(size(xc)),xc]*xfit,xc,v,u,'o') hold off zoom on %We can also plot up a velocity profile from this data. Let's just use data %close to the median of the vertical location: medx = median(xc); i=find(xc>(medx-1)&xc<(medx+1)); %We look +- 1.0 cm around the median figure(6) plot(yc(i),u(i),'*') xlabel('y (cm)') ylabel('u (cm/s)') title(['Velocity Profile for ',basename,', x = ',num2str(medx),'+-1.0 cm, xfit = ', num2str(xfit')]) grid %The y-velocity is also of interest. [ysort,k]=sort(yc(i)); vsort=v(i(k)); figure(7) plot(ysort,vsort,'*') title(['Horizontal Velocity Profile for ',basename,', x = ',num2str(medx),'+-1.0 cm, xfit = ', num2str(xfit')]) xlabel('y (cm)') ylabel('v (cm/s)') grid %Finally, we save the velocity data and the centroids of the links as a data file %for later analysis: outname=[basename,'vel.mat']; save(outname,'xc','yc','u','v','xfit')