% This script calculates the the sedimentation velocity of the tracer % particles as a function of glycerin volume fraction % OK, we start with volume fraction: vf = [0:.05:.67]'; bf = 0.997; %a guess as to the true wt% of the glycerin (USP grade) conc = vf*bf*density(bf)./(vf*density(bf)+(1-vf)*density(0)); mu = viscosity(conc); rho = density(conc); a = 0.0010; %particle radius velocity = 2/9*(2.71-rho)*980*a^2.0./mu; figure(1) plot(vf,velocity) xlabel('volume fraction glycerin') ylabel('sedimentation velocity of tracers (cm/s)') title('Sedimentation velocity of chalk particles') grid on zoom on