function dtout=temprise(varargin) %This function takes the data on temperature rise of mixing from the dow %website graph (digitized), fits it to a cubic, and then outputs the temperature %rise for selected mass fractions of glycerin. The input may be an array, and %the output will be a column vector. Dow data is for pure glycerin dilution %at 0 degrees C. Units are in degrees C. data =[0 0 0.1053 1.5000 0.2035 2.5775 0.3053 3.5282 0.4070 4.2887 0.5018 4.8169 0.5649 5.1127 0.6105 4.9648 0.7123 4.4789 0.8105 3.7183 0.9018 2.5352 1.0000 0]; conc=data(:,1); deltat=data(:,2); a=[conc.*(1-conc),conc.^2.0.*(1-conc)]; x=a\deltat; c=varargin{1}; [n m]=size(c);if n