function viscout=viscosity(varargin) %This function takes in the concentration (mass fraction) of glycerine and %the operating temperature and returns the viscosity of the aqueous solution. %It uses the data from the Dow website, and captures this data to about 1.2% %average deviation. The output is in poise. % %The concentration and temperature may be arrays. If only one variable %is used, it is taken to be concentration and the results are computed for %22 degrees C. %We have the Dow data: temp=[0 10 20 30 40]; conc=[0 10 20 30 40 50 60 65 67 70 75 80 85 90 95 100]/100; visc=[1.792 1.308 1.005 0.8007 0.656 2.44 1.74 1.31 1.03 0.826 3.44 2.41 1.76 1.35 1.07 5.14 3.49 2.5 1.87 1.46 8.25 5.37 3.72 2.72 2.07 14.6 9.01 6 4.21 3.1 29.9 17.4 10.8 7.19 5.08 45.7 25.3 15.2 9.85 6.8 55.5 29.9 17.7 11.3 7.73 76 38.8 22.5 14.1 9.4 132 65.2 35.5 21.2 13.6 255 116 60.1 33.9 20.8 540 223 109 58 33.5 1310 498 219 109 60 3690 1270 523 237 121 12070 3900 1410 612 284]/100; tabs=temp+273.16; %We do a fourth order fit to the log of the viscosity on concentration: cmodel=[ones(size(conc)),conc,conc.^2,conc.^3,conc.^4]; xcall=cmodel\log(visc); %Now we do a quadratic fit vs. 1/temperature (abs) tmodel=[ones(size(tabs')),1.0./tabs',1.0./tabs'.^2]; xtall=tmodel\xcall'; %We identify the target concentrations and temperatures: c=varargin{1}; if nargin<2;t=22;else;t=varargin{2};end %We ensure that c and t are column vectors: [n m]=size(c); if m>n;c=c';end [n m]=size(t); if m>n;t=t';end %Now we are ready to get the output: cmout=[ones(size(c)),c,c.^2,c.^3,c.^4]; tmout=[ones(size(t)),1.0./(t+273.16),1.0./(t+273.16).^2]; viscout=exp(cmout*(tmout*xtall)'); %Notes: The Dow website data is located at the url: % % % %This data may be graphically compared to the results %of the fitting algorithm by copying the data, concentration, %and temperature from the top of the function, pasting %it into the command line of Matlab, and then executing %the following command: % %figure;semilogy(conc,visc,'*',conc,viscosity(conc,temp));grid on;zoom on; % %D.T.Leighton, University of Notre Dame %8-26-2010