• Manly Establishes
Endowment for Excellence |
Manly Establishes
Endowment for Excellence
A consultant for the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, William D. Manly, Ph.D., of Oak Ridge, Tenn.,
has donated approximately $350,000 to the University of Notre Dame to
establish two
endowments for materials research within the College of Engineering.
The first endowment of $100,000 is for the William D. Manly Award for
Excellence in Materials Research. This award recognizes one undergraduate
and one graduate student annually for the quality and significance of
his or her work in materials science and engineering. Recipients of the
first two Manly awards will be announced later this year.
The second and larger portion of Manly’s gift, approximately $250,000,
creates the William D. Manly Endowment for Excellence in Materials Research,
and income from the endowment will be used to help defray recurring costs
associated with the materials characterization facility of the new engineering
Manly received a bachelor’s degree in metallurgy from Notre Dame
in 1947, a master’s degree in 1949 -- also in metallurgy -- and
was presented with an honorary doctor of engineering degree from the
University in 2000. |