• Department Hosts Swarm
Conference |
Department Hosts Swarm
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Swarm Development
Group co-sponsored the seventh annual Swarm Users/Researchers Conference
(SwarmFest 2003) at Notre Dame in April. During the conference engineers,
scientists, modelers, and programmers, who work in a variety of domains,
had the opportunity to share their research in multi-agent modeling,
including but not limited to the Swarm simulation system.
John Holland, concurrent professor of cognitive psychology and electrical
engineering and computer science at the University of Michigan, delivered
the keynote address. Holland originated the field of genetic algorithms,
a field that may one day allow computers to employ flexible intelligence.
Based in Santa Fe, N.M., the Swarm Development Group is a not-for-profit
organization committed to advancing multi-agent based simulation.
Gregory R. Madey, associate professor of computer science and engineering,
served as the organizing chair. |