Symposium on Environmental
Education and Research Inaugurated
More than 120 faculty and students attended the first Symposium
on Notre Dame Environmental Education and Research (NDEER) in November 2002. Sponsored
by the colleges of engineering and science and the Center for Environmental
Science and Technology (CEST), the symposium featured several faculty
presentations, a student poster session, and a keynote address by Diane
McKnight, professor of civil, environmental, and architectural engineering
at the University of Colorado.
“The purpose of the symposium,” said Patricia
A. Maurice, professor of civil engineering and geological
sciences and director of CEST, “was
to highlight the depth and diversity of environmental research occuring
throughout the University. As the symposium progressed, it became apparent
that University efforts relating to environmental issues touch more than
engineering or science faculty, and we were able to develop closer ties
among a multidisciplinary group of faculty focused on a single issue.”
For more information on environmental research efforts at Notre Dame,
visit http://www.nd.edu/~cegeos. |