Silliman Named Associate
Stephen E. Silliman, professor of civil engineering and geological sciences,
has been named associate dean of educational programs. In addition to
his teaching and research duties, Silliman is responsible for the development
and coordination of cross-disciplinary curricula within the college,
as well as soliciting federal and industrial funds to support innovative
educational opportunities for engineering students.
Author of numerous articles pertaining to hydrology, Silliman has successfully
combined his professional expertise with a commitment to service that
characterizes the University. For several years he has led a joint student
venture between the Department
of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences and the Center for Social Concerns. He and teams of students annually
spend a week in Haiti repairing hand-pump wells, which are the primary
water supply in rural regions of the country. They train villagers in
the maintenance and repair of these pumps, and they teach them to manufacture
inexpensive parts equivalents.
Silliman, fellow faculty, students, and colleagues at the Universite
Nationale du Benin have launched similar efforts in the Republic of Benin
in western Africa. For his efforts Silliman was awarded the 2002 Grenville
Clark Award, presented annually to a faculty member, administrator, or
student “whose voluntary activities serve to advance the causes
of peace and human rights.” Most recently, he received the 2003
Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award from the College of Engineering.
His research interests include groundwater hydrology flow and transport
in heterogeneous media, stochastic hydrology, groundwater-surface interaction,
microbial transport, water source protection, and Third World water supplies.
He has a been a member of the faculty since 1986. |