Society of Women Engineers:
More than 50 Years of Service
“Women think that an engineer is a man in hip boots building a
dam,” said
Beatrice A. Hicks, the first president of the Society of Women Engineers
(SWE). Originally cited in a 1952 article in Mademoiselle, this is just
one of the misconceptions that SWE has battled for more than 50 years.
A nationally recognized, nonprofit organization whose membership includes
professional, graduate, and undergraduate female and male engineers,
the mission of SWE is to increase awareness of the opportunities for
women in engineering while also helping them overcome some of the challenges
they may encounter during their academic and professional lives. Career
guidance, mentoring programs, scholarships, awards, and service projects
are some of the tools that both the national and university sections
of SWE have used to encourage and support women in engineering.
For more than 20 years the Notre Dame SWE section has encouraged women
in the College of Engineering to reach out to one another and to the
community. Students from the current section are active in the South
Bend area, whether working with local Girl Scout troops to earn technical
merit badges, volunteering for science demonstrations at the Robinson
Community Center, or participating in “Expanding Your Horizons
in Science and Mathematics,” a University sponsored career conference
for sixth- to eighth-grade girls.
Notre Dame SWE members also encourage one another through student-to-student
mentoring, dorm community activities, monthly meetings, and special speakers.
For example, one of the featured speakers this year was Kristen Carey,
a 2002 graduate of the civil engineering and geological sciences department.
Carey, a field manager for Turner Construction, is currently working
on the renovation of Chicago’s Soldier Field.
Officers for the 2002-03 academic year were: Nicole Wykoff, president
and a junior in electrical engineering; Jenna Spanbauer, vice president
and a senior in mechanical engineering; Meghan Roe, secretary and a junior
in chemical engineering; Carolyn Lauer, treasurer and electrical engineering
senior; and Allyson Swanson, liaison to the Joint Engineering Council
and a junior in the Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences.
For more information on the Notre Dame SWE section, visit http://www.nd.edu/~swe.