Program Receives Silver Award
The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education
(CASE) District V honored the "Learn with Us" initiative
at the University of Notre Dame with a 2004 Silver Award
in the collaborative programs category. Associate Professor
J. Keith Rigby Jr., Jacquelyn
Rucker, and Jaime Cripe developed the program as an outreach
effort to local under-represented youth. The first project
in the series -- which will
feature activies in archaeology, fine arts, music, and history
and be led by University scholars -- showcased dinosaurs.
Approximately 25 students from the Robinson Community Center
were able to view casts of the head and teeth of "Peck’s
T-Rex," one of the largest specimens of tyrannosaurus
ever found. Rigby unearthed the skeleton in northeast Montana
near the Fort Peck Reservoir in 1997.
University guides led the children, who ranged in age from
kindergarten to sixth grade, in a pseudo dinosaur dig. Other
activities incorporated into the program included reviewing
dinosaurs in art, discussing books on paleontology, visiting
dinosaur Web sites, and viewing the Discovery Kids Channel
program "Bonehead Detectives of the Paleo World," as
well as a news report on Rigby’s initial discovery
of the skeleton.
A faculty member since 1982, Rigby has discovered several
dinosaur fossils in Montana. He teaches historical geology,
sedimentation and stratigraph, and surficial processes.
Rucker is director of the Office of Community Relations,
and Cripe is the assistant director of the Eck Visitors’ Center.
CASE is the largest international association of educational
institutions in the world, serving more than 3,200 universities
and related organizations in 45 countries. District V encompasses
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin
and serves 462 institutions.
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