and Learning: Outreach Activities in Nanotechnology
The Department of Electrical Engineering, in conjunction with the Kaneb
Center for Teaching and Learning, is one of several departments across
the University offering summer research experiences for high school
teachers in northwest Indiana. The program, Research
Experiences for Teachers at Notre Dame (RET-ND), runs for eight weeks and includes
stipends up to $5,000 for participating teachers.
Electrical engineering faculty will lead seven projects based in nanotechnology:
materials for nanoscale devices; scanning electron microscopy; topics
in nanotechnology; fabrication and testing of semiconductor chemical
sensors; exploring the nano world with scanning tunneling microscopy;
software simulation tools for Quantum-dot Cellular Automata; and nanoelectronic
devices operating with single electrons.
In addition to the research experiences, high school teachers will
participate in weekly presentations on scientific and teaching related
topics. They will also meet with other instructors in the program to
discuss their research, curricular and pedagogical matters, and student
issues they face at the high school level.
The department is also collaborating with faculty from the College
of Science in the Nano-bio Research Experiences
for Undergraduates summer program. Funded by the National Science Foundation, the program
is open to undergraduates majoring in biology, chemical engineering,
chemistry, geosciences, electrical engineering, environmental engineering,
or physics. After 10 weeks of hands-on research, seminars, and coursework,
students will travel to Budapest, Hungary, as part of a cooperative
exchange program. They will spend seven days in classes and workshops
on bioinformatics, neural networks, and visual sensors.
To promote their professional development, students will be required
to manage a small research budget and will also be responsible for
writing a report and presenting their research at the end of the summer
during an undergraduate research symposium. The summer research experience
involves several faculty in the colleges of engineering and science.
It is directed by Mayra Lieberman, associate professor of chemistry
and biochemistry, and Wolfgang Porod, the Frank M. Freimann Professor
of Electrical Engineering.
For more information on these outreach programs, visit the Center
for Nano Science and Technology at http://nano.nd.edu.
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