One of the criticisms most
often levelled at academic institutions is that the spires, arches, columns,
and other impressive architecture of a university shield faculty and
students from the "real world." While there may be few places
on Earth as sheltered from the cares of everyday life as a college campus,
there are also few places as attuned to the way in which teams of researchers
can change the world.
The search, discovery, and application of knowledge is what Vannevar
Bush, director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development and
former dean of engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
highlighted in a 1945 report to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Written in response to a request from the President to discuss the lessons
learned from World War II and suggest areas that could be nurtured, as
Roosevelt put it, "for the improvement of health,
the creation of new enterprises bringing new jobs, and the betterment
of the national standard of living," Bush titled his
treatise Science: The Endless Frontier. In it he wrote, "There
must be a stream of new scientific knowledge to turn the wheels of private
and public enterprise. There must be plenty of men and women trained
in science and technology for upon them depend both the creation of new
knowledge and its applications to practical purposes." This is
the same vision held by the College of Engineering and the University
of Notre Dame, particularly in reference to the Center
for Microfluidics and Medical Diagnostics (CMMD).
Established in 2003 the CMMD builds upon considerable faculty expertise
in microfluidics, separations, electrochemistry, biomolecular engineering,
and nanoscience. Although one of the goals of the center is to facilitate
technology transfer at Notre Dame -- the transfer of research from
the academic process to a viable commercial product, the CMMD was created
to explore microfluidic and medical diagnostic concepts and devices.
Microfluidics refers to the flow of minute amounts of liquids or gases
through miniature channels. These channels may feature pumps, valves, filters,
or mixers, but the microscale of the components and of the channel means
that the physics of the flow in the device, specifically because of the
unique attributes of small fluid volumes, are different and require more
sophisticated handling techniques. However, they also produce much quicker
reactions, eliminating expensive laboratory tests and the lengthy wait
for results.
Microfluidic devices were first developed in the 1990s. Since that time
they have enjoyed success in niche applications, such as ink-jet printers
and diabetic test kits. Fluids currently used in similar lab-on-a-chip
tests include whole blood, bacterial cell suspensions, protein solutions,
and antibody suspensions. What researchers are discovering is that microfluidics
may be of use in a variety of other applications, such as DNA analysis,
drug screening, cell separation, gene mapping, and biotoxin analysis.
According to Bayer Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Hsueh Chia Chang, director of the CMMD,
"We have assembled a highly talented team to help us bridge the
gap between academia and industry." In
addition to Chia Chang, whose expertise is in electrokinetics, center
administration includes David T. Leighton
Jr., associate director and
professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, who specializes in
separations, and Andrew J. Downard (B.S.,
CBE, '04; M.B.A., '04),
product development manager.
Members of the CMMD advisory board include Gary
H. Bernstein, professor
of electrical engineering; Mark J. McCready, chair and professor of chemical
and biomolecular engineering; Albert E. Miller, professor of chemical
and biomolecular engineering; and Agnes E.
Ostafin, assistant professor
of chemical and biomolecular engineering. Bernstein specializes in microfabrication,
McCready in mass/heat transfer, Miller in electrochemistry and nanotechnology,
and Ostafin in biomedical engineering.
"One disadvantage in academia," says Downard, "is that
often faculty or graduate students develop great ideas, but they might
not realize the potential applications nor have an adequate understanding
of markets." Since
one of the goals of the center is to transfer the ideas behind the microfluidic
projects into commercial products, this type of business savvy becomes
vital. |
The University
of Florida owns the patent for TRUSOPT®, a medicinal eye drop
containing dorzolamide that is used to treat glaucoma. Stanford University
and the University of California at San Francisco hold the patent
for recombinant DNA technology -- joining the DNA from different
species and fusing them together, which is an important technique
in biotechnology. These universities, and others like them, license
their inventions to businesses who manufacture the "products." It's
called "technology transfer."
Some universities were making the leap from success in laboratories to successful
commercial products as early as the 1920s. However, a report written in 1945
by Vannevar Bush, director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development,
for President Franklin D. Roosevelt is believed to have been the origin for the
formal concept of technology transfer. The report, Science:
The Endless Frontier, highlighted the potential of academic research for enhancing the economy. Many
believe it stimulated the formation of the National Science Foundation, the National
Institutes of Health, and the Office of Naval Research.
Although the federal funding of research is now considered to be vital to national
security, when these agencies were first established there was not a standard
policy for ownership of the inventions. The government owned most of the patents,
and few of those were licensed to industry for commercial development. According
to a September 1999 report by the Council on Governmental Relations on The Patent
and Trademark Law Amendments Act, also known as the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, the
government typically retained the title to an invention and offered non-exclusive
licenses. Many corporations were reluctant to purchase such a license in order
to develop the same product a competitor could also manufacture. The promise
of the technology remained unfulfilled and in the laboratory.
The Bayh-Dole Act, and subsequent acts such as Stevenson-Wydler and Federal Technology
Transfer, established a more uniform policy on the treatment of inventions, especially
those resulting from federally funded research. Bayh-Dole has been amended since
its passage; other acts have also been added and amended. Since technology is
driving the economy at an ever increasing pace, it is likely that Congress will
continue to address concerns related to technology transfer. The issues at stake
include better quality of life for mankind, the rights of inventors, the rights
of the public and federal agencies supporting the research with public funds,
and the quality of the research, as some academics are worried that the current
act encourages universities to focus on commercial profit rather than developing
fundamental knowledge. |
The University of Notre
Dame owns 57 patents for inventions closely linked to its research
activities. Some of the most recently issued patents resulting from
research in the College of Engineering include:
U.S. Patent No. 6,869,671
Enabling Nanostructured Materials via Multilayer Thin Film Precursor
and Applications to Biosensors
Albert E. Miller, Subhash C. Basu, Juan
Jiang, Michael Crouse,
and David Crouse
Issued on March 22, 2005
U.S. Patent No. 6,842,692
Computer-controlled Power Wheelchair Navigation System
Steven B. Skaar, Guillermo DelCastillo, and Linda Fehr
Issued on January 11, 2005
U.S. Patent No. 6,768,782
Iterative Method for Region-of-Interest Reconstruction
Ken D. Sauer, Jiang Hsieh, Charles Bouman, and Jean-Baptiste Thibault
Issued on July 27, 2004
U.S. Patent No. 6,579,343
Purification of Gas with Liquid Ionic Compounds
Joan F. Brennecke and Edward J. Maginn
Issued on June 17, 2003
Thirteen of the 24 Notre Dame patents pending are also the result
of research led by engineering faculty. Four of those emanate from
the Center for Microfluidics and Medical Diagnostics. Others include:
Application No. 11/085,510
Segmentation Algorithmic Approach to Step-and-Shoot Intensity Modulated
Radiation Therapy
Danny Z. Chen, Xiaobo S. Hu, Chao Wang, Shuang Luan,
Xiaodong Wu, and Cedric Yu
Filed on March 22, 2005
Application No. 10/980,425
Bone and Tissue Scaffolding and Method for Producing Same
Steven R. Schmid, Glen L. Niebur, and Ryan K. Roeder
Filed on November 4, 2004
Application No. 10/933,417
System for Inter-Chip Communication
Gary H. Bernstein, Patrick J. Fay, Wolfgang
Porod, and Qing Liu
Filed on September 3, 2004
Application No. 10/251,934
Method for Making Mesoporous Silicate Nanoparticle Coatings and
Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nano-Shells
Agnes E. Ostafin, Edward J. Maginn, and Robert Nooney
Filed on September 20, 2002
Note: Current University of Notre Dame researchers are highlighted
in italics. |
"Focusing on microfluidics
and medical diagnostics," says Leighton, "is ideal because
the research we've been accomplishing in the center and the products
we are developing have a real potential to help people, solving problems
through research. We are serving the University's mission of trying
to make the world a better place, which is evidenced in the selection
of projects currently under development, but we are also building relationships
with companies that understand the 'business' of business
better than we academics do."
For example, researchers in the CMMD are working on a test kit to quickly
and accurately determine how well blood is coagulating. This process
will be extremely useful to individuals who are recuperating from major
surgery or those on blood thinners, who have their blood tested on a
daily basis to determine how readily it is coagulating. The test kit
will also aid in establishing the next correct dosage of anticoagulant.
Currently, these blood samples take three to four hours to process, at
which time the sampling laboratory releases the individual with the correct
dosage for the next day. The cycle then repeats itself: A patient goes
to the lab, sits for half a day, and then returns home so he or she can
do the same thing the next day. CMMD researchers are developing a lab-on-a-chip
that would more quickly identify how blood was coagulating and then issue
the correct dosage information to a patient at home.
University researchers, in conjunction with industry partner Scientific
Methods Inc., of Granger, Ind., are developing environmental sensors
to detect E coli in local water supplies and public areas such as beaches.
The decision to close public beaches is typically driven by laboratory
tests, which take up to two days to process. By incorporating a bacteria
trap into a hand-held sensor, the CMMD is able to force the bacteria
to flow into highly concentrated lines that can be detected electronically,
which will give municipal officials real-time information about water
quality so they may better safeguard public health. According to Chia
Chang, the bacteria trap, which uses electrokinetic flow, is orders of
magnitude faster than other detection processes on the market today.
Faculty in the CMMD have also teamed with researchers from Altea Therapeutics
Corporation in Tucker, Ga., on the development of a high-pressure pump
for transdermal drug delivery. Altea has made key breakthroughs in the
delivery of small molecules, such as proteins and peptides, via skin
patches similar to a nicotine patch. A high-pressure pump would allow
large molecule medications, such as insulin, to be injected through the
skin without the use of needles.
Electrophoretic protein separation, or zetafiltration, is another process
the CMMD is developing. "Our zetafiltration system is very close
to being able to make the leap from research lab to commercial use, which
in this case would be preparatory scale separations for additional research
and industrial scale separations," says Leighton. "What's
exciting about it is that we've been able to demonstrate that we
can separate or 'catch' individual species of biological
molecules on the order of 100 nanometers based on mobility. This is fundamental
research, but the implications for further study of human proteins or
even subcellular organelles are also very exciting." For instance,
by applying zetafiltration to proteomics, researchers could identify
the proteins contained in individual organelles to determine the location
and function of each part of the cell in a detail that is not currently
available. Researchers using the zetafiltration system would also be
able to collect information in much less time ... half an hour as opposed
to overnight.
Although CMMD researchers have yet to "take a product to market," they
have four patents pending for several of the projects within the center.
They have built mutually beneficial partnerships with several organizations,
and they are successfully maintaining the unique balance of the education
and training of graduate students with the development of commercially
viable products. As the first University center to pursue technology transfer, the CMMD is a successful model, but its
purpose, like Roosevelt's request,
is not yet fulfilled.
In 1945 Roosevelt wanted immediate answers. He wanted to identify
a means "for the improvement of health,
the creation of new enterprises bringing new jobs, and the betterment
of the national standard of living." Bush's response was
not a pat answer. He suggested the path to improving the nation was
commitment: the commitment to pursue new knowledge, the commitment
to educate future generations so that the quest for scientific and
economic growth did not end with any single generation; and a commitment
to reaching beyond boundaries, such as an ivory tower, to apply that
new knowledge for practical purposes and the betterment of mankind.
For more information about the CMMD, its faculty, and current projects,
visit http://microfluidics.nd.edu/. |
In 1863 Abraham Lincoln approved the Congressional
charter of the National Academy of Sciences. Since that time the
Academy complex -- the National Academy of Sciences, the National
Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National
Research Council -- has been advising the federal government
about the impact of technology on society, as well as the development
and implementation of related public policies. The most recent report
issued by the Academy complex, Preparing for
the 21st Century: Science and Engineering Research in a Changing
World, stresses the importance
of engineering and science research in meeting national goals and
maintaining America’s position as a technological leader.
The greatest concerns in achieving those goals were maintaining the quality and
integrity of research and developing human resources, future engineers and scientists.
Scientists and engineers play a key role in the economic and cultural make-up
of the nation. America and the more than 600 public and private institutions
that offer graduate degrees in engineering and science have a vested interest
in encouraging young people to pursue graduate degrees in engineering and science.
Bayer Professor Hsueh Chia Chang, director
of the Center for Microfluidics and Medical Diagnostics (CMMD), agrees and believes
that the fundamental nature of graduate research within the CMMD is one of the
most carefully designed aspects of the center. "When dealing with technology
transfer in an academic setting," says
Chang, "there's always a concern about whether efforts to develop
commercially viable products will detract from the main mission of an institution
-- educating its students. The graduate students in the center are involved in
fundamental research, but their work is purposefully separate from the development
This is a formula that worked well for the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering before the creation of the center, and it works well for the CMMD.
Not only has the University continued to attract high-quality graduate students,
but it has been extremely successful in placing students, particularly in academia.
Over the last several years a number of graduate students studying microfluidics
have gone on to teach at the university level.
For example, Pavlo Takhistov (M.S., CHEG, '99) is currently
an associate professor of food engineering at Rutgers University. His research
interests include nano-structured materials as a substrate for biosensors and
active food packaging. He also examines blood flow anomalies in microchannels,
in order to help design microdevices for blood diagnostics.
An assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University
of Rochester, Michael R. King (Ph.D., CHEG, '99) studies biofluid
mechanics. The ultimate goal of the laboratory he directs at Rochester is to
simulate blood flow and relevant cellular interactions. The information gained
from this research has the potential to impact public health, especially in relation
to cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Jason M. Keith (Ph.D., CHEG, '00) is an assistant professor
in the Department of Chemical Engineering and faculty adviser of the Alternative
Fuels Group Enterprise at Michigan Technological University. Although he has
focused primarily on heat and mass transfer fundamentals, one of his most recent
projects involves transdermal drug delivery.
One month after
successfully defending her doctoral thesis, Assistant Professor
Adrienne R. Minerick (M.S., CHEG, '03; Ph.D., CHEG, '03)
was teaching Advanced Process Computations and Introduction to Chemical Engineering
at Mississippi State University (MSU). Since that time she has also developed
MSU’s Medical
Micro-Device Engineering Research Laboratory (M.D.-ERL). Like Notre Dame's
CMMD, the M.D.-ERL is dedicated to researching the development of medical microdevices
in order to improve diagnostic techniques and practices. Working with graduate
and undergraduate students, Minerick is exploring dielectrophoretic microdevices,
which could detect a variety of blood diseases using a single drop of blood.
"During my time at Notre Dame," says
Minerick, "I had the privilege of working with outstanding faculty and
postdoctoral researchers, like Hsueh Chia Chang and Pavlo Takhistov. It was also
during this time that I developed a passion for medical diagnostic devices and
learned to understand both the theoretical and experimental approaches in a collaborative
In addition to her teaching duties, Assistant Professor Jayne
Wu (M.S., EE, '01;
Ph.D., CBE, '04) directs the Micro-Sensor and Actuator Laboratory at the
University of Tennessee at Knoxville. One of the projects in her lab deals with
the electrokinetic focusing of bioparticles for real-time detection of toxins.
What each of these graduates and many of their projects have in common is that
they are generating fundamental research with direct applications for service
to society. They are also sharing their excitement and commitment for the betterment
of society with the next generation of students. |
Through its endeavors
in the realm of technology transfer, the University of Notre Dame
is one of the many national universities contributing to America's
economic development. Like those other institutions, Notre Dame is
addressing patenting and licensing activity for the commercialization
of on-campus research activities.
"Because we have so much wonderful research occurring on campus,"
Michael T. Edwards, assistant vice
president and director of the University's Office of Research, "it
is tempting to let technology transfer drive our research portfolio.
That is not, however, in the best interest of the University, our
faculty, or our students."
According to Jeffrey C. Kantor, vice
president and dean of the Graduate School and professor of chemical
and biomolecular engineering, the key has been to focus technology
transfer efforts on the centers and institutes which offer the greatest
opportunity to develop commercial applications that will have a positive
effect on people's lives. "We're
a little late to the technology transfer game," says Kantor. "Other
schools have had technology transfer programs for as long as 20 years."
Although some schools generate a great deal of revenue -- millions
of dollars in some cases, others lose money chasing after commercially
viable research projects. "The goals of our program," he
says, "are to add intellectual vitality to the University,
expose faculty and students to new opportunities for cutting-edge
research, and provide a pathway for our research to make a difference
in the way people live."
The schools that have developed successful programs, and have met
goals similar to those enumerated by Notre Dame, have especially
targeted two areas: pharmaceuticals and medical devices. "These
are very hot industries right now," says Edwards. "Most
universities pursuing research in these areas also boast medical
schools. Fortunately, that’s not a requirement. We have been
able to develop close relationships with other institutions, foundations,
and corporate partners that allow us to actively participate in healthcare
The Center for Microfluidics and Medical Diagnostics (CMMD), one
of 130 institutes and centers across the University, was the first
to engage in the technology transfer program. "Every center
at Notre Dame contributes to the intellectual value of the University,"
says Kantor. "The
Center for Microfluidics and Medical Diagnostics offers an additional
set of opportunities in the medical devices arena that will elevate
the research in which graduate students and undergraduates can participate.
It also offers solutions to real-world problems with commercial applications
and relationships with industry."
One of the center's local partners is Scientific Methods, Inc.,
(SMI) in Granger, Ind. With more than 60 years of collective professional
experience in environmental sciences and public health, SMI uses
innovative technologies to provide microbiological research, laboratory
analyses, and product development services. The firm's 22,500-sq.-ft.
facility houses laboratories for bacteriological, virological, and
parasitological research. SMI also leases space to start-up companies
pursuing research in biotechnology.
"As a small business," says James
Larkin, president of
SMI, "we recognized that to be successful, we needed to develop
strategic partnerships, such as our relationship with the Center
for Microfluidics and Medical Diagnostics at Notre Dame." The
partnership between SMI and CMMD is a win-win situation: SMI offers
expertise in microbiological evaluation, with an emphasis on environmental
microbiology, while CMMD offers considerable experience in microfluidics.
Because of their business perspective, SMI researchers have also
helped CMMD define new applications for their microfluidic activities,
particularly in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. Most
recently, they shared exhibit space at the 2005 Indiana Biosensor
Symposium. "Both organizations have the desire to innovate
and solve problems," says Larkin. "By looking beyond
what is familiar to each group, we were able to find new -- and
practical -- applications that will potentially benefit everyone." |
Like many other states,
Indiana is committed to bolstering its economy with technology. Annually
the state is home to approximately $3 billion of research and development
by industry and funds more than $25 million at the university level.
On May 6, 2005, the University of Notre Dame hosted the inaugural
symposium of the Indiana Innovation Network (IIN). A relatively new organization, the IIN
is a non-profit group whose goal is to promote the growth and success of research
and technology within Indiana.
Notre Dame hosted the symposium at the invitation of Jeffrey
C. Kantor, vice
president and dean of the Graduate School and professor of chemical and biomolecular
engineering. Kantor is also a member of the board of the Indiana 21st Century
Fund, a state initiative to stimulate and diversify the economy by developing
and commercializing advanced technologies within Indiana. Created in 1999, the
fund encourages excellence in technology and successful commercialization through
academic-industry partnerships.
Other universities participating in IIN include Ball State University, Indiana
State University, Indiana University, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis,
Purdue University, and the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
The Notre Dame symposium focused on advanced materials and featured university
and industry experts in orthopedics, nanotechnology, fuel cells, and carbon-carbon
composites. Speakers from the College of Engineering included Steven
R. Schmid, associate professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering; Wolfgang
Porod, the Frank M. Freimann Professor of Electrical Engineering; and Paul
J. McGinn, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering and director
of the Center for Molecularly Engineered Materials.
IIN will sponsor up to five more symposia at partner universities during 2005.
Topics for the upcoming events include: systems engineering, technology parks/incubators,
and alternative energy sources. In addition to the symposia, the IIN plans to
develop an on-line database that will function as a directory of Indiana’s
technology experts. Researchers and facilities in Indiana will be searchable
by name, university, or research area.
For more information on the IIN, visit http://www.indianainnovation.com. |