Footnotes: Medieval Drama
Osterspiel von Muri
1 "Quem quaeritis in sepulcro, o cristicolae?" 
"Jesum Nazarenum crucifixum, o coelicolae." 
"Non est hic:  surrexit, sicut praedixerat. 
Ite, nuntiate, quia surrexit de sepulcro!"
"Wen suchet ihr im Grab, ihr Christinnen?"
"Jesus von Nazareth, den Gekreuzigten, ihr Himmlischen."
"Er ist nicht hier, er ist auferstanden, wie er vorausgesagt.
Gehet und meldet, daß er vom Grab auferstanden ist!
2Antonius was probably the name of the male actor who played the role of Mary Magdalene
3in Aargau in Switzerland
4"dc" for ‘daz’;  "wc" for ‘waz’;  "svn" for ‘sullet’;  "har" for ‘her’;  "ir wellent" for ‘ir wellet’;  "phenninch" for ‘phenninc’;  "chomen" for ‘komen.’
5Since the Osterspiel von Muri manuscript was probably a prompter’s copy, editors of the text have arrived at the conclusion that "Antonius" merely represents the name of male actor who played the role of Maria Magdalena.
6Spezereien:  spices, fragrances
7Since the «Salbenkrämer» (Lat. institutor) provided the comic element in the Easter plays, anything he says or does is intended to be humorous and also typical, as, for instance, his ‘generous’ remark in 115.
8Here begins the «Quem quaeritis»-trope
9in Todesbanden liegen:  lit. ‘to be entangled by the cords of death’ (cf. Psalm 116).
10erstanden:  rose from the dead.