Haeffel, G.J., Gibb, B.E., Abramson, L.Y., Alloy, L.B., Metalsky, G.I., Joiner, T., Hankin, B.L., and Swendsen, J. (2008).  Measuring cognitive vulnerability to depression: Development and validation of the Cognitive Style Questionnaire.  Clinical Psychology Review, 28, 824-836.

The Cognitive Style Questionnaire (CSQ) measures the cognitive vulnerability factor featured in the hopelessness theory of depression (Abramson, Metalsky, and Alloy, 1989). The CSQ has been used in over 30 published studies since its inception, yet detailed information about the psychometric and validity properties of this instrument has yet to be published.  In this article, we describe the development of the CSQ and review reliability and validity evidence.  Findings to date using college samples, indicate that the CSQ is a reliable measure of cognitive vulnerability with a high degree of construct validity.


Scoring Instructions:
For scoring details, please click on the PDF image to the left.


Cognitive Style Questionnaire (CSQ)
The CSQ was developed by Lyn Abramson and Gerald Metaslky in 1989 to evaluate the cognitive vulnerability construct featured in the hopelessness theory of depression. Please click on the PDF image to the left to download a copy of the CSQ.