Mathematica Lecture

From: justin_smith (AT)
Subject: Mathematica seminar at University of Notre Dame
Date: September 23, 2009 10:08:30 AM GMT-04:00

To support the Mathematica site license at University of Notre Dame, Wolfram Research will be on campus to give a technical talk on Mathematica 7 at 3pm on September 25. The talk will be held in Debartolo Room 215.

This seminar will be given 100% in Mathematica and will show useful teaching and research examples for mathematics, the physical sciences, engineering, and business/economics. Ideas for creating universal examples in Mathematica that can be used by colleagues or students with no prior Mathematica experience will be a central theme.

The content will help attendees with no prior experience get started with the Mathematica language and workflow. Since there is a large amount of new functionality in Version 7, most intermediate and advanced users who attend these talks report learning quite a bit as well. All attendees will receive an electronic copy of the examples, which can be adapted to individual projects.

Students are also welcome; please invite any graduate students or students in your courses.

To make sure we have enough space, please let me know if you plan to attend or if your students are likely to attend. I look forward to meeting you!

Best regards,

Justin Smith
Wolfram Research, Inc.
1-800-965-3726 ext. 3479
fax: 217-398-1108
justin_smith (AT)
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