Geometric Analysis Seminar
Fall 2017
Thursdays 11:00 am – 12:00 pm in 258 Hayes-Healy.
We will be following Chapter 1 from Colding-Minicozzi's A Course in Minimal Surfaces.
August 31
Aaron Tyrrell
- The minimal surface equation (§ 1.1)
September 7
Ethan Addison
- Geometry of submanifolds, first variational formula (§ 1.2, 1.3)
September 14
Adam Moreno
- Consequences of the first variational formula (§ 3.1)
September 21
Samuel Perez-Ayala
- The monotonicity formula (§ 3.2)
September 28
Marco Radeschi
- Extended monotonicity (§ 1.3 in White's notes)
October 5
Shih-Kai Chiu
- The Gauss map (§ 4)
October 12
Shih-Kai Chiu
- Bernstein's Theorem (§ 5)
October 19
Fall break
October 24 (Tuesday), 9:30-10:50, room 125
(special place and time)
Shih-Kai Chiu
- Fredholm theory on manifolds with cylindrical ends
November 2
Yichao Li
- The strong maximum principle (§ 7)
November 9
Xiaoxiao Li
- The second variational formula (§ 8.1)
November 16
No seminar
November 23
November 30
No seminar
December 7
Xiaoxiao Li
- Bernstein's Theorem
(J. Simons - Minimal varieties in Riemannian manifolds)
Székelyhidi with any questions or suggestions.