Unit 3-Nervous System
Chapter 6
The Autonomic Nervous System
1. Organs Controlled by the Autonomic Nervous System:
Certain actions occur without any conscious effort, learned or unlearned. Thus the pupil of the eye constricts when one is exposed to bright light; the salivary glands secrete when food is placed in the mouth; the stomach shows waves of constriction when food is in it; the heart rate increases in an emergency; the sweat glands secrete in an overheated animal; its hair tends to stand on end; movements of the intestine occurs when it receives materials from the stomach; the organs of copulation in both sexes become suited to each other during excitation; and so forth.
The easiest generalization that can be made about the autonomic nervous system is that it is equipped to control and modify the actions of all the organs of the body except skeletal muscle. The sites of action of autonomic nerves are smooth muscle and glands, wherever they are located. This excludes skeletal muscle except for such autonomic fibers as supply its blood vessels.
There is no organ serviced by the
autonomic nervous system which is exclusively dependent on it; and there are
very few if any autonomically renovated organs which atrophy when their nerves
are cut, as a skeletal muscle atrophies when its motor neurons are cut. This
property of autonomy, or self-government, is responsible for the naming
of the system which supplies the autonomic organs.
2. Sensory Aspects of the Autonomic Nervous System:
The fact that autonomic organs
feel pain is not news to anyone who has ever had a stomach ache, a renal colic,
or a heart attack. One of the most interesting of autonomic functions has to do
with the fact that there are sensory fibers in the autonomic nervous system
which detect and carry information concerning blood pressure and others carry
information regarding the blood gases and the total solute concentration of the
blood. There are undoubtedly many other modalities of sensation carried by the
autonomic nervous system. Because they are concerned with activities which do
not require conscious effort, many of these sensory modalities have not even
found their way into common language. The fact that words do not exist for these
sensations is no evidence that the sensations do not exist. To take the example
of blood pressure, it is certain that autonomic "sensation" of blood pressure
existed long before the invention of the sphygmomanometer.
What is sometimes confusing is
the nature of pain from the autonomic organs. These organs normally function
without producing pain, but when pain is produced in them, it is usually located
inaccurately, partly because it is so unfamiliar. For example, a patient with a
heart attack may complain of pain in the left arm or in the neck, though many
such patients are able to locate the pain quite accurately. The appendix is
usually located on the lower right side of the abdomen (See Dissectograph), but the pain of appendicitis usually begins just
below the sternum.
The stimuli which produces pain
in the autonomic organs are quite different from those which affect the organs
with conscious representation. Autonomic organs tend to produce pain when their
muscles are stretched or when they are caused to work without adequate blood
supply. They are usually quite insensitive to cutting or heat, a fact which is
put to good use during surgery under local anesthetics. On the other hand,
autonomic organs may produce bitter and intense pain or nausea when their
attachments are stretched in handling or when they are touched by irritant
The source and nature of pain in
ill patients is usually valuable in medical diagnosis, but it is far from
infallible. Patients may have every subjective manifestation of a heart attack,
yet there may be no heart disease whatever. On the other hand, the large
intestine, liver, lungs and brain may be extensively invaded by a malignant
tumor in a patient who has no complaints at all. Much of the art of medicine
consists of evaluating the patient as a whole, and putting the pain, or look of
it, into the correct context. The patient's history and his physical examination
should be supplemented by the available laboratory examinations before diagnosis
is made or treatment undertaken.
3. The Nature of Autonomic Control:
Autonomic control tends to modify
activity rather than cause it. It usually does so by way of chemical agents that
act at sites which are themselves capable of acting independently. Thus the
heart beats whether or not it receives autonomic messages, but such messages can
change its rate. The fact that the heart has its own rate makes it possible for
the autonomic nervous system to modify that rate in either direction. The
stimulation of the vagus nerve, for example, slows the heart; stimulation of the
cardiac sympathetics accelerates it--in fact the sympathetic nerves to
the heart are called the accelerator nerves.
This phenomenon, in which an
intrinsic activity can be altered in either direction by two sets of nerves, is
widespread in the autonomic system. For example, movements of the intestine tend
to be enhanced by the parasympathetic nervous system. Remarkably, they
are reduced by the sympathetic.
Another characteristic of
autonomic activity in which it differs at least qualitatively from other
activity is its extreme sensitivity to changes in the chemical environment. The
junction between nerve and muscle is much more open in autonomically controlled
organs than in skeletal muscles. The motor neuron fiber tends to invade the
muscle it supplies; the autonomic fiber lies on its surface. This is also true
of the cells of the glands supplied by autonomic fibers.
Autonomic effector organs
deprived of their nerve supply show a phenomenon seen to a very limited extent
in skeletal muscle: they become hypersensitive to chemical agents. This
phenomenon of denervation hypersensitivity sometimes has the paradoxical
result of increasing the type of activity for which autonomic nerve section has
been carried out. For example, there is a distressing disease called
Raynaud's disease in which paroxysms of cutaneous vasospasm in the
fingers give rise to intense pain. If the vasoconstrictor autonomic fibers which
supply the hand are out, the resulting denervation hypersensitivity may make the
attacks even more severe than they were. A more successful surgical treatment
will be described in Part 10 of this chapter.
4. Chemical Medation in the Autonomic Nervous System:
The transmission of the autonomic
impulse from nerve to muscle or gland is clearly due to the release of chemical
substances at the end of the autononmic nerve fibers. The substances most often
implicated are acetyl choline and catecholamines. Other substances
have been suspected to transmit certain autonomic impulses. The most widely
menioned ones are bradykinics, seratonin, and histamine. At
the time of this writing, however, there is no compelling evidence that the last
three agents are physiologically significant and they will not, therefore, be
considered further.
There is no doubt at all that
acetyl choline and the catecholamines are involved in most, if not all,
autonomic transmission. In order to describe their sites of action, it will be
necessary to anticipate a portion of the next sections (Parts
5 and 6) of this chapter which describe the anatomy of
the autonomic nervous system.
Acetyl choline is the substance
released at both preganglionic and post ganglionic endings of the
parasympathetic nervous system. It is also released at the proganglionic
endings of the sympathetic nervous system and those post ganglionic
endings which serve the sweat glands of the skin. The catecholamines, on the
hand, are released only at those post ganglionic endings of the sympathetic
nervous system which serve the internal organs, including the vascular system.
Thus the heart is supplied by cholinergic fibers from the parasympathetic and
adrenergic fibers from the sympathetic. The term cholinergic is used to mean
similar in action to acetyl choline; andrenergic is used to mean similar in
action to the catcholamines.
The skin, which has no
parasympathetic supply, contains cholinergic fibers (sweat glands) and arid
adrenergic fibers (blood vessels) from the sympathetic. The intestine appears to
receive chiolinergic fibers from the parasympathetic nervous system, which
influence its muscular activity, and adrenergic fibers from the sympathetic,
which influence its circulation. A more detailed description follows in Part 7.
Acetyl choline wherever produced
is destroyed with extraordinary rapidity by the enzyme cholinesterase.
The catecholamines, in contrast, are destroyed rather slowly, and the enzyme(s) which destroy them are not known with great
certainty. Catechol-O-methyl transferase and monoamine
oxidase have been suggested as the enzymes which destroy catecholamines, but
there is no widespread agreement that these agents are basically necessary for
catecholamine destruction.
5. Anatomy of the Sympathetic Nervous System:
The sympathetic nervous system is
connected to the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord
and is sometimes called the thoraco-lumbar division of the autonomic. Its fibers
emerge from the ventral root. Some, those which are distributed to skin and
muscle, make a synapse here, the paravertebralganglion, and return to the
mixed spinal nerve. Others, which are destined for internal organs, pass through
the paravertebral ganglion without synapsing. These fibers course toward the
midline, where they terminate in the vertebral ganglion, making a synapse with a
fiber which will eventually end in one of the internal organs. All fibers before
the synapse are said to be pre-ganglionic, while those after the synapse
are said to be postganglionic.
The paravertebral ganglia of the
sympathetic on each side form a chain in which the ganglia are connected to each
other. Though the rootlets of the chain are of thoracic and lumbar origin, the
chain extends upward to supply the organs of the head and downward to supply the
pelvic organs. The distribution of the sympathetic fibers is shown in Figures 160 and 161.
6. Anatomy of the Parasympathetic Nervous System:
The parasympathetic nervous
system takes its origin from some of the cranial nerves and the sacral segments
of the spinal cord. This portion of the nervous system is called the
craniosacral division of the autonomic nervous system, from its origin.
Anatomically, there are some very
important differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.
Perhaps the most important has to do with the location of the synapse between
pre-ganglionic and post-ganglionic neurons. In the sympathetic, this synapse
usually occurs in a ganglion somewhat remote from the structure innervated. The
parasympathetic synapse is usually located directly in the organ which is
affected. The blood supply to the parasympathetic synapse tends to correspond to
the blood supply of the organ, while that of the sympathetic synapse is limited
to the blood supply of the ganglion. Drugs which interfere with transmission
between pre- and post-ganglionic fibers are, therefore, more likely to affect
the parasympathetic than the sympathetic nervous system.. Thus, drugs which
inhibit the action of acetyl choline that reach the parasympathetic
preganglionic and post ganglionic terminals in large quantities are more likely
to inhibit parasympathetic than sympathetic activity, even though the
preganglionic sympathetic terminals are cholinergic. This has important
consequences (see Part 9 of this chapter.)
The major difference between the
parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems has to do with the fact that the
former has separate branches which operate separately; the sympathetic chain
tends to discharge as a whole.
7. Tabulation of Autonomic Function:
It was at one time believed that
the parasympathetic nervous system was concerned with the resting, or
vegetative, functions of the organism, such as digestion, sleep, etc. The
sympathetic, on the other hand, was thought to he involved in emergency
situations. To some extent, this is true; but there are so many exceptions that
the student will be well advised to learn the individual functions of each
system, organ by organ.
A Table which summarizes these
functions follows. In this Table, those functions which are exceptions to the
vegetative emergency dichotomy will be italicized.
Table 1 8. Autonomic Disorders:
The autonomic nervous system
often conveys information which leads to autonomic behavior consistent with the
other responses of the animal, and sometimes it does not. When it does not, the
response may be poor, and occasionally it may threaten life.
Since the chemistry of autonomic
endings is well understood, and drugs for their regulation are available, many
of these disorders can be easily treated. A few examples of the disorders will
be given in the following:
(2) In asthma the airways become constricted, particularly in expiration.
(3) Faulty control of the emptying of the gall bladder may lead to biliary
colic. This may result from gall stones or uncoordinated action of the gall
bladder and its outlet.
(4) The stomach may empty poorly and the digestive processes impaired when
sympathetic activity dominates over parasympathetic.
(5) Parasympathetic overactivity may lead to hypersecretion of gastric
juices and enzymes. This may in turn lead to peptic ulcer.
(6) Sympathetic activity may produce serious reductions in renal blood flow
and urinary output of water and sodium. This is a major source of difficulty in
heart failure (Chapter 16).
(7) Reduced parasympathetic activity may lead to constipation.
(8) Frigidity in women and impotence in
men may result from autonomic disturbances, though their mechanism is quite
(9) Excessive sweating may be diagnostic of increased sympathetic discharge.
All of these conditions may be
due to disturbances in the higher centers regulating autonomic activity rather
than in the autonomic nervous system itself. Nevertheless, many of them can be
treated with the autonomic drugs or by autonomic surgery.
9. Pharmacology of the Autonomic Nervous System:
Some drugs mimic the action of
one or the other branches of the autonomic nervous system. They are said to be
sympathomimetic or parasympathomimetric. Adrenaline,
epinephrine, is an excellent, though dangerous, sympathomimetic drug.
Ephedrine is less dangerous, though less effective. The ideal
parasympathomimetic drug would be acetyl choline if only it were not so quickly
destroyed by cholinesterase. As it is, other choline esters, which are less
readily destroyed, are much more effective. Bethanechol is often used,
and rarely, pilocarpine and muscarine are used as
A much more effective approach to
parasympathomimesis is the use of drugs which antagonize cholinesterase.
Prostigimine is a safe one. The powerful anticholinesteiases like
DFP are too dangerous for use.
Sympatholytic drugs, which
antagonize the actions of the catecholarnines, are divided into two chief
groups. Some antagonize the excititory endings of the sympathetic, others
interfere with their inhibitory effect. The former group, called the blockers,
are typified by phenoxybonzamine; dibermamine is also effective.
The agents which block, inhibitory receptors, are dichloroisoproterenol
and pronethalol. A very widely used sympatholytic drug whose actions are
only vaguely understood is guanethedine, used in treating high blood
pressure. Bretylium has similar effects.
Some of these drugs arc very new,
but some are quite primitive. Rauwolfia and its many derivatives have
been known for more than 300 years. These drugs cause depletion of the
catecholamines from the nerves which release them. They are not only
sympatholytic, but tranquilizing. It has not been decided whether the
tranquilizing effect is secondary to the sympatholytic effect.
The most effective
parasympatholytic drug known is atropine or belladonna. There are
others, but atropine is most widely used. It probably acts
by occupying the sites in the receptor organs ordinarily filled by, and excited
by, acetyl choline. Perhaps because it does not reach the sympathetic ganglia by
way of the blood stream in large amounts it is not sympatholytic, even
though the sympathetic synapses are cholinergic.
The ganglion blocking
agents are typified by hexamethonium. The effects are profound, and
both sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia are involved. Changes in blood
vessel resistance; gastrointestinal secretion and motility and emptying of the
bladder are some of the most dramatic observed effects.
A word of caution is in order
here. Every one of the agents mentioned may have unexpected side effects. Only
physicians thoroughly trained in their use should employ them. No attempt will
be made here to indicate how these drugs may be used in medicine.
10. Autonomic Surgery:
Sympathectomy, partial or
complete, was once a popular treatment for high blood pressure. It is a major
operation and since the disease is now pretty well controlled by drugs, it has
become much less used. It is most often employed for the treatment of
intractable pain originating in a specific area. The operation is of some use in
the treatment of Raynaud's disease, but is mentioned earlier (Part 3). If the wrong kind of sympathectomy is done
(post-ganglionic), denervation hypersensitivity may aggravate the condition.
Preganglionic sympathectomy may be curative, but for some reason, ganglionic
blocking drugs are not very effective.
Cutting the vagal fibers to the
stomach often relieves peptic ulcers. The current status of
the procedure is in doubt, for ulcers can be treated medically and
vagotomy is not always curative. However, the decision must be
made on an individual basis.
Continue to Chapter 7.
(1) High blood pressure follows generalized constriction of blood vessels.