Learn how the perception of a color can be manipulated by changing the colors that surround it
Using the color-aid paper sheets, solve the exercises listed in the next 3 columns.
The challenge is to try and have as dramatic a difference as possible with the the colors.
what is due
design 2 solutions for each of 4
Three Colors seen as Four. Colors A, B, and C are different colors.
However because of the choice of colors B & C, color A appears to look very different. |
Four Colors seen as Three. Colors A, B, C, and D are different colors.
However because of the choice of colors C & D, colors A & B appear to look the same. |
Complementary Contrast. A & B are two complementary colors. Choose the three intermediate colors.
Equal Value. Arrange five very different colors in no particular order that when viewed they are seen as having the same value. |