motion graphics

what’s out there


John F Sherman
graphic design

office phone
574 631 7175


fall 2006

yU+Co - Sarah Benoit
Vault 49 - Evan Brogan
FAD - Jesse Carrillo
Trollback - Noel Carson
Meaghan Fitzpatrick
Imaginary Forces - Kelly Gronli
Jib-Jab - Laura Hayes
Oil Factory - Amelia Hirschauer
Shilo - Michael King
Public Interest - Michelle Lewis
Patrick O'Toole
BUF - Lisa Ridley
Rebecca Rodriguez
Katie Schweitzer
blind - Chris Sebastian
Miquela Suazo
Vanessa Valenzuela
Ellen Voglrieder

fall 2007

fall 2008

mailing address
Art, Art History & Design
306 Riley Hall of Art & Design
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana
46556 5673