Please contact John Sherman with any questions.


Exhibition / Exchange

1. All printing techniques and subject matter are admissible as long as the final work is a print. Photocopies will not be accepted.

2. Name of the individual or institution commissioning the bookplate must appear on it. The name may be your own.

3. Permission to reproduce artwork must be granted by the owner via release signature on entry form page.

4. The format of the bookplate must not exceed seven inches (7ä) in any of its dimensions. Preferably, bookplates will be printed on acid free paper.

5. Artists/designers may enter as many times as they wish. Ten (10) prints of each bookplate must be submitted with each entry.

6. Works must be accompanied by a brief rationale from the artist/designer concerning the design and technique used for the bookplate. Please also include artistâs full name, date of birth, complete address, and year of bookplate execution.

7. Deadline for receiving bookplates is October 16, 2000. Cost per professional entry is $10 (U.S.), cost per student entry is $5 (U.S.). Individuals may enter as many times as they wish. Send registration materials, a check or money order made out to University of Notre Dame Department of Art, and bookplates, to Professor John Sherman, Attention: Bookplate, University of Notre Dame, Department of Art, Art History and Design, 132 OâShaughnessy Hall, Notre Dame, Indiana, 46556-5639. Contact Professor Sherman at with questions.

8. Selections will be exhibited in the Isis Gallery, located on the third floor of Riley Hall of Art and Design. Selections will also be digitized and compiled on a compact disc to be shipped to all artists/designers of selected entries. A full set of bookplates will be given to the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, within the University of Notre Dame Hesburgh Library, to be housed permanently in their bookplate collection.

9. Each Gold medal winner will receive a full set of the selected bookplates and a version of the exhibition on compact disc. All selected entrants will receive a smaller subset of bookplates and a version of the exhibition on compact disc. Additional exhibition discs will be available for purchase during the Eric Gill Conference.

10. Sets of bookplates and compact discs will be shipped to the artists selected for the exhibition after the conference is over. Recipients will be notified.

The exhibition specifics and details are subject to change at the discretion of the organizers.

Possible Mediums/Techniques

Aquatint, Braille, Calligraphy, Collotype, Computer Graphics, Copper-Engraving, Dry Point, Half-tone, Lead-Engraving, Linoleum-Cut, Lithography, Mezzotint, Offset, Photography, Photolithography, Plastic-Engraving, Rotogravure, Silkscreen, Steel-Engraving, Typography, Wood-Engraving, Zinc-Engraving ...