
4/8. The second papers will be available for pick-up in my office, 919 Leacock, next Wednesday afternoon (April 20) between noon and 4pm. Feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss your final papers; you should also feel free to e-mail me questions about them.

There will be three 5-page papers for this course, one of which will be due before Winter Break, one on the last day of class, and one in between. Each is worth 30% of your grade, with 10% for class participation and attendance. Due dates for the papers will be announced below, along with suggested topics.

Paper #1: due Monday, February 14. Information about the paper, and a list of topics, are available here.

Paper #2: due Friday, April 1. Topics available here.

Paper #3: due Wednesday, April 13. May be handed in without penalty as late as Friday, April 22. Topics available here.