My work crosses several traditional disciplinary boundaries, which I believe is important for considering various aspects of the human condition. More specifically, I evaluate, improve, and develop methods to better study and understand human-centered research.

The entire effort is in the data science space, particularly from the psychometric and statistical traditions of framing inferential questions. 

My most significant methodological contributions are in research design involving the interplay between effect size, confidence intervals, statistical significance, and sample size planning.

My work depends heavily on statistical computing, with most of the methods I have developed implemented in R packages (e.g., MBESS,BUCCS, SMRD).

Contact Information

  • Ken Kelley, PhD
    Edward F. Sorin Society Professor of IT, Analytics, Operations and Senior Associate Dean for Faculty & Research
  • Mendoza College of Business,
    University of Notre Dame,
    Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
  • KKelley@ND.Edu

An important application of my work is business analytics, where psychological, behavioral, and social data are often combined to help model and explain some aspect of business

In this way, I regard business analytics as the translational arm of data science for business problems, where my work is concerned most often with the person in organizations or markets.

More recently, I have moved more fully into application of these and other methods in the digital space, where I am co-director of the Human-centered Analytics Lab(HAL) in the IT, Analytics, and Operations Department within the Mendoza College of Business. HALis a lab like no other I am familiar with, in which disciplinary boundaries do not apply and multiple fields usually isolated from one another are merged into an interdisciplinary mash-up of information technology, psychology, methodology, and business.

See Designing Experiments and Analyzing Data: A Model Comparison Perspective (3rd edition) and its accompanying website at DesigningExperiments.Com.


Publications, Presentations, Posters, & Papers


My research program has been about making improvements to the scientific methods used in the social and behavioral sciences.


I teach or have taught in a variety of business statistics / business analytics / quantitative analysis courses in several of our programs.

Methods and an Application

Methods and an Application

Other methodological contributions I have been involved in concern mediation models, in which causal pathways are considered to explain process, and repeated or longitudinal methods, in which the same individuals are measured over some time period in an effort to understand intraindividual change and interindividual differences in change.

In addition to methodological work, I collaborate in a variety of areas in which I develop needed or apply advanced or nonstandard methods to best address questions.

Methods and an Application

Designing Experiments and Analyzing Data

Winner of the Barbara Byrne Award for Outstanding Book or Edited Volume.

Designing Experiments and Analyzing Data: A Model Comparison Perspective (3rd edition) offers an integrative conceptual framework for understanding experimental design and data analysis.

The book is available from Routledge. Instructors who are considering the book for their students can request a complimentary copy here.

Methods and an Application

Human-centered Analytics Lab

This is a broad framing of a research lab that is interdisciplinary by design and pragmatic in approach. The Human-centered Analytics Lab (HAL) combines disparate skillsets and foundational disciplines to solve problems – all seeking to better understand the human condition in the context of the digital life of persons.

Co-directed with Ahmed Abbasi, the lab provides a framework for development of analytics methods and the use of analytics methods for substantive research.


  • Association for Psychological Science, Fellow
  • American Psychological Association, Fellow
  • Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, Elected Member
  • Accredited Professional Statistician™ (PStat®) by the American Statistical Association