* chapter_11_table_1 For the present data set, six individuals were observed under two different conditions. The question of interest is: 'does the mean of the scores in Condition 1 differ from the mean of the scores in Condition 2.' To perform the repeated measures analysis, PROC GLM is used. On the MODEL statement line the repeated factors are placed on the left side of the equals sign. Notice that for the present analysis no covariates or group identifiers are included on the right side of the equal sign. However, /NOUNI is included, which simply tells SAS not to perform separate univariate analyses on each level of the condition (ycond1 and ycond2 here). The REPEATED line below the model statement tells SAS what factor is being repeated (this can be named anything). The results of this analysis match those given in Table 11.3. Note that by default results for the multivariate repeated measures analysis as well as the results for univariate repeated measures analysis are given. At the present time we are only interested in the univariate analyses (even though they are equivalent in this particular instance). Further note that because there are only two levels of the repeated factor, a paired samples t test could have been performed. ; LIBNAME md 'd:\data files by type\sas data files\tables'; Data c11t1; SET md.chapter_11_table_1; PROC GLM; MODEL ycond1 ycond2 = / NOUNI; REPEATED condition; RUN;