* chapter_13_table_1 For the hypothetical data contained in Table 13.1, five participants were measured at two occasions. The question of interest is: "is there a difference between Time 1 and Time 2 scores?" To perform the repeated measures analysis, PROC GLM is used. The analysis proceeds in the same manner as it did for the univariate approach in Chapter 11. The repeated factors are placed on the left side of the equal sign. Notice that for the present analysis no covariates or group identifiers are included on the right side of the equal sign. Recall that the /NOUNI option on the model line means to not report tests of the univariate effects for each level of the time factor. Although the univariate and multivariate repeated measures designs are performed with the same code, the difference between the approaches is in the output. Whereas for the univariate approach the results were given under 'Univariate Tests of Hypotheses for Within Subject Effects,' the results for the multivariate analysis are given under the heading of 'Manova Test Criteria....' ; LIBNAME md 'd:\data files by type\sas data files\tables'; Data c13t1; SET md.chapter_13_table_1; PROC GLM; MODEL time1 time2 = / NOUNI; REPEATED time; RUN; ;