* chapter_13_table_2 For the hypothetical data contained in Table 13.2, eight participants were measured on three occasions. The hypothesis of intereste is: 'are the population means of the scores equal at all three timepoints?' The results of the data contained in Table 13.2 proceed in exactley the same way they did for the data contained in Table 13.1 (as well as it did for the repeated measures given in Chapter 11). Because explanations of this type of design using the multivariate approach have already been given (e.g., Table 13.1), step-by-step instructions are not given here, but the analysis is performed. ; LIBNAME md 'd:\data files by type\sas data files\tables'; Data c13t2; SET md.chapter_13_table_2; PROC GLM; MODEL time1 time2 time3 = / NOUNI; REPEATED time; RUN;