* chapter_13_table_5 The McCarthy IQ data is given in Table 13.5 (i.e., the same data given in Table 11.5). The hypothesis of interest is the same as it was for Table 11.5, however the method of answering the hypothesis is what differs. The results of this analysis are obtained in exactly the same manner they were for Table 13.1 (and the univariate approach given of Chapter 11). Because SAS reports both the univariate and the multivariate approaches by default, the results must be interpreted with care to ensure that the approach of interest is being reported and interpreted. Because explanations of this type of design using the multivariate approach have already been given (e.g., Table 13.1 and the repeated measues designs of Chapter 11), step-by-step instructions are not given here, yet the analysis is still carried out ; LIBNAME md 'd:\data files by type\sas data files\tables'; Data c13t5; SET md.chapter_13_table_5; PROC GLM; MODEL months30 months36 months42 months48 = / NOUNI; REPEATED months; RUN; ;