* chapter_14_table_1 For the hypothetical data contained in Table 14.1, a perceptual psychologist studying the visual system was interested in determining the extent to which interfering visual stimuli slow the ability to recognize letters. Participants are brought into a laboratory where they are seated in front of a tachistoscope. Variations in the presentations of letters is examined with interest being on the reaction time for target letters presented either in the center of the screen or off centered with and without "noise" accompanying the target letters. To perform the repeated measures analysis, PROC GLM is used. The analysis begins by specifying the four dependent variables on the left side of the equals sign. Note that angle is 'changing faster' than 'noise.' Specifically the first two dependent variables entered are both noise absent, with the first being angle=0 and the second being angle=8. In this sense we say that angle is 'changing fastest.' Because angle is 'changing fastest,' it is included second on the REPEATED LINE (implying that because noise is 'changing slowest,' it is included first on the REPEATED line). As usual we have included / NOUNI on the model line. This tells SAS that we do not want it to perform univariate tests for each of the four dependent variables. ; LIBNAME md 'd:\data files by type\sas data files\tables'; Data c14t1; SET md.chapter_14_table_1; PROC GLM; MODEL abs0 abs8 pres0 pres8 = / NOUNI; REPEATED noise 2, angle 2; RUN;