* chapter_7_table_9 The following data is a generalization of the blood pressure data given in Table 7.5 (which itself was a generalization of the data given in Table 7.1). After the interaction is found to be significant, a common recommendation is to examine simple main effects. Recall that a simple main effect is the main effect of one factor given a fixed level of another factor. In this case interest is in determining if there are any differences in drugs (a) given biofeedback and (b) given no biofeedback. Note that the LSMEAN computes least squares means for the effects listed in the LSMEAN statement. In this case SLICE is listed. SLICE tests simple main effects by "slicing" the interaction by the specified variable. The SLICE= option specifies the effects by which to divide interaction LSMEAN effects. This can produce what are known as tests of simple effects. ; LIBNAME md 'd:\data files by type\sas data files\tables'; Data c7t9; SET md.chapter_7_table_9; PROC GLM DATA=c7t9; CLASS drug feedback; MODEL score = drug feedback drug*feedback; LSMEANS drug*feedback / SLICE=drug; RUN;