* chapter_9_table_11 The question of interest in the present situation assumes that there are three blocks of elderly participants, six per block. The elderly participants are sorted into the three blocks as a function of their age. The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of age on motor control, measured by the number of errors on a certain task (where there were three tasks). The following syntax is used to replicate the results given in Table 9.12. The first GLM statement corresponds to the randomized block design, the second GLM statement corresponds to the ANOVA design, and the third GLM statement corresponds to the ANCOVA (where x is used as a covariate) design. Note that for the ANCOVA we will, as usual, make use of the Type III sums of squares (even though by default SAS also prints the Type I sums of squares). ; LIBNAME md 'd:\data files by type\sas data files\tables'; Data c9t11; SET md.chapter_9_table_11; title 'Randomized Block Design'; PROC GLM DATA=c9t11; CLASS block task; MODEL y = task block task*block; RUN; title 'ANOVA'; PROC GLM DATA=c9t11; CLASS task; MODEL y = task; RUN; title 'ANCOVA'; PROC GLM DATA=c9t11; CLASS task; MODEL y = task x; RUN;