Student Questionnaire

Please answer each question with the assurance that your responses will remain anonymous and will not be used in determining your grade in any course.

  1. Gender

___ M ___ F

  1. Age Group
  2. ___ Under 21 ___ 21-25 ___ 26-30 ___ 31-60 ___ Over 60

  3. Major
  4. ___ Business

    ___ Computer Science

    ___ Engineering

    ___ Other

  5. Classification
  6. ___ Freshman

    ___ Sophomore

    ___ Junior

    ___ Senior

    ___ Graduate student

    ___ Other

  7. Current Employment Status
  8. ___ None

    ___ Part-time (20 hours per week or less)

    ___ Full-time (more than 20 hours per week)

  9. Frequency of Computer Use
  10. ___ Less than once per week

    ___ Once per week or more (but not daily)

    ___ Daily

  11. Location of computer used most often
  12. ___ Home, dorm room, or apartment

    ___ Computer lab on campus

    ___ Other

  13. Do you own a computer?
  14. ___ Yes ___ No


    If the answer you gave to question 8 was No, then skip to question 19.

    Please indicate how you have acquired any software that is on your computer:

  15. Copied from family or friends
  16. ___ Yes ___ No

  17. Purchased from off-campus store
  18. ___ Yes ___ No

  19. Purchased via mail order, catalog, telephone order, or other source
  20. ___ Yes ___ No

  21. Purchased from college bookstore
  22. ___ Yes ___ No

  23. Downloaded from Internet
  24. ___ Yes ___ No

  25. Came with textbook
  26. ___ Yes ___ No

  27. Provided by instructor for a class
  28. ___ Yes ___ No

  29. Loaded on computer when purchased
  30. ___ Yes ___ No

  31. Have you ever made a copy of software that you own for someone else to use?
  32. ___ Yes ___ No

  33. Have you ever installed software on more than one machine when you have purchased a single copy?
  34. ___ Yes ___ No

  35. Have you ever tried to copy software from a computer lab or business environment?
  36. ___ Yes ___ No

  37. Are you aware of the laws governing installation of software on computers in a school lab environment?
  38. ___ Yes ___ No

  39. Are you aware of the laws governing installation of software on computers in a business environment?

___ Yes ___ No