Brief Synopsis: A student has landed a summer internship (junior year) with a company for whom s/he would ultimately like to be employed. When asked to do a software audit of what copies of which application software packages exist on the company's desktops and laptops in the international setting, s/he begins to discover something which may be a potential problem. Although s/he must reconcile the number of copies of the software on the machines with the invoice for their purchase, s/he discovers by the middle of the summer that only a few copies appear to have been purchased. What should the student employee do about this, if anything?
After discussing the facts of the case with your instructor or peers, determine if there seems to be an ethical issue here. If the consensus is not, continue reading or move on to another scenario. If the group conclusion is that an ethical issue exists, write a statement down in your own words or the "group-smithed" words of what you believe to be the ethical issue confronted here. Then, continue reading:
After much reflection and remembering s/he is being paid a substantial wage and wishes to be employed after the coming school year, the student decides to write out for reflection as many options as s/he believes are available and viable. Write down a set of such options now. (You should easily be able to come up with four or five.) After completing this list of five options (or more), individually or in a small group write out at least one positive AND negative result of each and every action.
After completing this process described above, determine individually
(or in the group) which of the actions appears to be the "best" ethical
action to take. Write out briefly the reason(s) why you believe
this to be the best strategy.
1. State in your own words, concisely, the action being reviewed
in this case.
2. Do you believe there is an ethical issue to be reviewed here?
If so, why? If not, why not? Describe and justify briefly in
a short paragraph.
3. Are U.S. regulations on intellectual property relevant here
(outside of the U.S.)? Is there international agreement on some of
these issues? Discuss both of these questions.
4. List possible alternative actions with at least one implication or risk of doing each [per the example below].
A. Do nothing
1. There may be no implication, or ???
F. (or more)
5. Select the action you feel is most ethically appropriate and
explain the logic for your conclusion. [Is this the same as justifying
your action?]
6. React to each of the following "what if" questions including a short rationale for the response.
7. (Optional) Any additional comments you wish to submit
about this case study?