Video Review

``Don't Copy That Floppy''

Professor Kevin W. Bowyer
Computer Science and Engineering
University of South Florida

The video opens with two people at the computer about to make a copy of a program on the school computer to use at home. They put the disk in the computer, and an image of a rap emcee comes up. From there, it is rap video. The line you will remember is -- ``Don't copy, don't copy that floppy.'' On the back of the box that the video comes in, it says ``the message conveyed by the video is that it's not only illegal to pirate software, but it's also ``not cool.'' '' The back of the box also says ``... to educate and inform their students, grades 4 and up, about the ethical use of software.'' Grade 4 is probably fine, but I would say that this video is not suitable as serious material for college students. It may have some value as humor for college students.

Video Format/Length:
The video was viewed in VHS format, approximately 9 minutes long.

Ordering Information:
This video was created by Software Publishers Association. The copyright date is 1992. Ordering information can be found at:

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