Sample Worksheet - Fraud / Unfair Business Dealings
[Worksheet 1 For the SoftRAM Case Study]
Read the short article entitled "A Trick of Memory?" If you don't know any words look them up in a
general and/or technical dictionary. Then respond to the following questions. Answers have to be
readable but don't have to be complete sentences.
- Where does the article come from? Can you expect accurate technical information from this
source? Can you expect accurate non-technical reporting from this source? Indicate what kind
of bias or inaccuracy that might be found in an article from this source(if any).
- What is the SoftRAM product supposed to do? List the people who say that it works. List
those who claim it doesn't work.
- Is there technical reason for SoftRAM claiming that its product works? Are there any
non-technical reasons for a company claiming its product works? What evidence does the
"SoftRAM" company provide in this article for its claims?
- If the company is lying about its product - is this fraud? Yes or No! + why
- What does the German Computer Magazine claim? Give two or three possible technical and
non-technical reasons for their claim. What evidence do they provide?
- If the German magazine writers are lying - is this fraud? Yes or No! + why
- How come some users can be happy with a product that others claim does not work? Give a
technical and TWO non-technical explanations that might be true.
- Reread your answers: On balance - is this a case of fraud or not? If so, who is committing
the fraud?
"A trick of memory? (memory compression software)" by Julian Dibbell, 27 November 1995, Time Magazine, Page 81.
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