Python/TensorFlow/Keras Tutorial
University of Notre Dame
- Intro to Python (html): Nov 15
Python is a dynamically type object oriented programming language. This notebook provides a low-level introduction
to the basic datatype, operators, control statements, and class objects
- Gradient Descent Training (pdf), notebook (ipynb): Nov 22
This programming exercise has you write a gradient descent algorithm in Python. It is intended to provide some practice in Python programming.
Perceptron Training (pdf), notebook (ipynb),
data (zip): Dec 6
This programming exercise has you write a Python script implementing a Perceptron Learning algorithm on the attached dataset.
Neural Network Classes (pdf), notebook (ipynb),
data (zip), Dec 20
This programming exercise has you instantiate and train a neural network model using Python classes.
TensorFlow/Keras (pdf), notebook (ipynb), Jan 3
This programming exercise steps you through the use of TensorFlow/Keras in training a CNN model for the MNIST dataset