Metropolitan Scale Sensor-Actuator Networks for Combined Sewer Overflows

Sponsor: Indiana 21st Century Technology Fund and EmNet LLC ($264,000 - 2007 - 2009)
Award No: 260911-31025-20
Principal Investigator: M.D.Lemmon, University of Notre Dame
Co-PI: J.W. Talley (Notre Dame), S. Bagchi (Purdue), W. Chappell (Purdue)

ABSTRACT: This project will develop and deploy a metro-wide embedded network for monitoring and controlling combined sewer overflow (CSO) events in the City of South Bend Indiana. The project builds upon the success of the Indiana 21st Century Technology Grant project entitled Detection and Control of Combined Sewer Overflow Events using Embedded Sensor Network Technology” (project 512040817). In the summer of 2005, that project demonstrated the feasibility of using embedded networks to control CSO events with the successful deployment of such a network in the city of South Bend Indiana. This project is requesting funds that will enable the project participants to scale-up the effort in a manner that would enable metro-wide control of CSO events using embedded networks. The requested funds would enable researchers at EmNet LLC, the University of Notre Dame, and Purdue University to complete research projects whose success would greatly enhance the scalability of the proposed network. The funds would also help expand existing partnerships between local government (city of South Bend), industry (EmNet LLC, Malcolm Pirnie, and Johnson Controls Inc.), and academia (University of Notre Dame and Purdue University) to the point where it becomes possible to market the proposed embedded network as a nationwide solution to the CSO problem.


  1. M.D. Lemmon (2008), CSOnet: A metropolitan scale wireless sensor-actuator network, presented at European Union's WIDE project kickoff meeting, Siena Italy, September 26, 2008.
  2. L. Montestruque and M.D. Lemmon (2008), CSOnet: a metropolitan scale wireless sensor-actuator network, International Workshop on Mobile Device and Urban Sensing (MODUS), 2008
  3. M.D. Lemmon, P. Wan and L. Li, Interim Technical Report on CSOnet Distributed Control Algorithm, EmNet LLC, Summer 2008.
  4. Jessica Hughes, Wireless Sensors Reduce Flooding in Indiana City, October 1, 2008,
  5. P. Wan and M. Lemmon (2007), Distributed Flow Control using Embedded Sensor-Actuator Networks for the Reduction of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Events, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2007.
  6. M.D. Lemmon (2007), Distributed Feedback Control of Combined Sewer Overflow Events using Embedded Sensor-Actuator Networks", CenSCIR Symposium, Carnegie-Mellon University, May 16, 2007.
  7. L.A. Seders, C.A. Shea, M.D. Lemmon, P.A. Maurice, J.W. Talley (2007), LakeNet: an integrated sensor network for environmental sensing in lakes, Environmental Engineering Science , 2007
  8. T.P. Ruggaber, J.W. Talley, and L.A. Montestruque, Using embedded sensor networks to monitor, control, and reduce CSO events: A pilot study, Environmental Engineering Science, 24(2):172-182, 2007
  9. Original Project Description, May 2006.
  10. Jessica Hughes, Wireless Sensors Reduce Flooding in Indiana City, Government Technology, October 2008
  11. U.S. Patent No. 7,792,126
  12. Mark Crawford, CSOnet cost effectively helps preserve water quality, Thriving in Michiana website October 26, 2010
  13. CSO ID tool documentation, August 2010, Initial Report, zip file
  14. Harvard Business Review Article , April 30, 2013.
  15. Notre Dame Magazine Article, Winter 2010-2011