CPS: Small: Dynamically Managing the Real-time Fabric of a Wireless Sensor-Actuator Network

Sponsor: National Science Foundation ($525,000 - 2010-2013)
Award No.: CNS-0931195 (201529-31025-20)
Principal Investigator: M.D.Lemmon, University of Notre Dame
Co-PI: X. Hu (Notre Dame)

ABSTRACT: The objective of this research is to develop algorithms for wireless sensor-actuator networks (WSAN) that allow control applications and network servers to work together in maximizing control application performance subject to hard real-time service constraints. The approach is a model-based approach in which the WSAN is unfolded into a real-time fabric that captures the interaction between the network's cyber-processes and the application's physical-processes.

The project's approach faces a number of challenges when they are applied to wireless control systems. This project addresses these challenges by 1) using network calculus concepts to pose a network utility maximization (NUM) problem that maximizes overall application performance subject to network capacity constraints, 2) using event-triggered message passing schemes to reduce communication overhead, 3) using nonlinear analysis methods to more precisely characterize the problem's utility functions, and 4) using anytime control concepts to assure robustness over wide variations in network connectivity

The project's impact will be broadened through interactions with industrial partner, EmNet LLC. The company will use this project's algorithms on its CSOnet system. CSOnet is a WSAN controlling combined-sewer overflows (CSO), an environmental problem faced by nearly 800 cities in the United States. The project's impact will also be broadened through educational outreach activities that develop a graduate level course on formal methods in cyber-physical systems. The project's impact will be broadened further through collaborations with colleagues working on networked control systems under the European Union's WIDE project.

  1. Original Project Description, February 2009
  2. Annual Reports, 2009,CPS-PI mtg poster (Aug 2010), 2010, CPS-PI mtg poster (Aug 2011), 2011,CPS-PI mtg poster (Oct. 2012), 2012, 2013>, CPS-PI mtg poster (oct. 2013), CPS-PI 2013 Movie
  3. Shengyan Hong, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, and M.D. Lemmon, An adaptive approach to reduce control delay variations, Real-time Systems Symposium, work-in-progress session, Washington D.C., December 2009.
  4. Q. Ling and M.D. Lemmon, A necessary and sufficient feedback dropout condition to stabilize quantized linear control systems with bounded noise, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, volume 55, number 11, pages 2590-2596, November 2010
  5. Q. Ling and M.D. Lemmon, Input-to-state stabilizability of quantized linear control systems under feedback dropouts, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Baltimore, 2010
  6. Pu Wan (2009), Event-triggered distributed algorithms for network optimization, Ph.D. Dissertation,Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, November 2009
  7. S. Hong, X.S. Hu, and M.D. Lemmon, Reducing Delay Jitter of Real-time Control Tasks through Adaptive Deadline Adjustments, Euromicro Conference on Real-time Systems (ECRTS10), Brussels, Belgium, July 2010
  8. Q. Ling , M.D. Lemmon and H. Lin (2010) Asymptotic stabilization of dynamically quantized nonlinear systems in feedforward form, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, volume 8, number 1, pages 27-33, February 2010.
  9. J. Yi, C. Poellabauer, X.S. Hu, and L. Zhang (2011), Minimum Bandwidth Reservations for Periodic Streams in Wireless Real-time Systems, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, volume 10, number 5, pages 479-490, 2011.
  10. M.D. Lemmon and X.S. Hu (2011), Almost sure stability of networked control systems under exponentially bounded bursts of dropouts, Hybrid Systems: computation and control (HSCC 2011), Chicago USA, April 2011
  11. S. Hong, X.S. Hu, and M.D. Lemmon (2011), An adaptive transmission rate control approach to minimize energy consumption, Work-in-Progress Session, The 17th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium Chicago, IL, USA, April 11 - 14, 2011
  12. S. Hong, T. Chantem, and X. Hu, Meeting end-to-end deadlines through distributed local assigment, IEEE real-time and embedded technology and applications (RTAS), Work-in-Progress Session, April 2011.
  13. S. Hong, T. Chantem and X. Hu,
  14. M. Xia and M.D. Lemmon, Event-triggered Network Utility Maximization through Consensus Filtering, submitted to IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando Florida, December 2011.
  15. T. Chantem, Real-time System Design under Physical and Resource Constraints , Dissertation, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, April 2011
  16. M. Lemmon (2011), Performance of Networked Control Systems under Sporadic Feedback, presentation at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, March 21, 2011.
  17. T. Chantem, J. Yi, S. Hong, X. S. Hu, C. Poellabauer and L. Zhang, An online holistic scheduling framework for energy-constrained wireless real-time systems, IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), Toyama, Japan, July 2011.
  18. S. Hong, T. Chantem, and X. S. Hu, Meeting end-to-end deadlines through distributed local deadline assignment, IEEE real-time symposium (RTSS), Vienna, Austria, December 2011. (presentation)
  19. Lichun "Lucinda" Li, Bin Hu, and M.D. Lemmon (2012), Resilient Event Triggered Systems with Limited Communication, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Hawaii, USA,December 2012.
  20. L. Li, X. Wang, and M.D. Lemmon (2012), Stabilizing Bit-Rates for Perturbed Event-Triggered Control Systems, IFAC conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid systems, Eindhoven, Netherlands, June 6-8 2012.
  21. X.S. Hu, S. Hong, and M.D. Lemmon (2012), WiP Abstract: Supporting Coordinated Negotiation in CPS Design, ICCPS, Beijing, April 2012.
  22. M.D. Lemmon (2012), Towards a Passivity Framework for Power Control and Response Time Management in Cloud Computing , 7th International Workshop on Feedback Computing, San Jose, CA, September 17, 20123
  23. Z. Wang, M. Xia, M.D. Lemmon (2013), Voltage Stability of Weak Power Distribution Networks with Inverter Connected Sources, American Control Conference, 2013.
  24. L. Li and M.D. Lemmon (2013), Computational Synthesis of Event-triggers for MMSE State Estimators with Communication Constraints, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2013. - e-materials
  25. J. Yi, C. Poellabauer, X. Hu, T. Chantem, and L. Zhang, Dynamic Channel Reservations for Wireless Multihop Communications, Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Vol. 14, No. 3, July 2010, pages 43--45
  26. Shengyan Hong, Real-time Scheduling in Cyber-Physical Systems, Dissertation, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, August 2014

Course Development:
  1. Formal Methods in the Design and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems, University of Notre Dame, Spring 2010
  2. Special Studies in Networked Control Systems, University of Notre Dame, Spring 2011, Spring 2012

Technical Transfer and Industrial Outreach:
  1. EmNet LLC, South Bend, Indiana
  2. Odyssian Technology South Bend, Indiana
  3. General Electric Energy