
My Development Economics Papers

Employment and Technological Choice of Multinational Enterprises in Developing Countries
with R.Newfarmer and L.Moreira, Geneva, Switzerland: ILO Publications, vol. 23, 1993, pages 1-37.

Industrial Structure, Market Power and Profitability
World Bank Industry and Energy Department Report No. 63, with Richard S. Newfarmer, August 1992.

"Foreign Ownership, Market Structure and Industrial Performance: Brazil's Electrical Industry"
with R. Newfarmer, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 8, pages 47-75.

Industrial Interdependence and Development: A Study of International Linkages and Industrial Performance in Brazil
with R. Newfarmer, A Report to the Bureau of International Affairs, U.S. Department of Labor, 157 pp.

"Industrial Structure, Market Power and Profitability" with Richard S. Newfarmer
book chapter in Multinational Corporations and their Role in Economic Development, edited by Claudio Frischtak and Richard S.Newfarmer,1993.

"Production Conditions in Guatemala's Key Agricultural Product: Corn"
with K.Jameson and J.Phillips, Land Economics, vol. 59, pages 94-106.