RACINE 12/06 S Racine RACISM 10/16 F Racism 10/16 S Racism RALPH 15/04.07L Charles DeKoninck to Mr. Ralph Allen 1952/0730 15/28.13S Ralph McInerny RATIOCINATIVE 1/07 F Scientific and Ratiocinative Knowledge RAY 15/17 F Kocourek, Ray 1947 15/17.01L Ray Kocourek to Charles DeKoninck 1947/0117 15/17.02L Charles DeKoninck to Ray Kocourek 1947/0128 15/17.03L Ray Kocourek to Charles DeKoninck 1947/0204 RAYMOND 15/32 F Roy, Rev. Raymond 1957 15/32.01L Fr. Raymond Roy to Charles DeKoninck 1957/0302 15/32.02L Charles DeKoninck to Fr. Raymond Roy 1957/0430 REAL 5/33 F Logical and Real Possibility REALITY 6/02 S Reality 6/03 S Reality 6/04 S Reality and Appearance REASON 2/04 S Reason 2/05 F The Dialectical Thought as a Critique of Reason [C-46] 2/05 S Reason 3/26 S Faith and Reason 7/18 S Faith and Reason 7/31 S Reason 8/05 S Reason 8/06 S Faith and Reason 8/07 S Faith and Reason 8/44 S Faith and Reason 9/11-24| Faith and Reason 9/16 S Faith and Reason 9/19 S Natural Reason 9/21 S Reason 10/01 S Human Reason 10/25 S Human Reason 10/28 S Reason 12/23 S Reason 14/17.05S sufficient reason 14/17.06S practical reason 15/19.18S faith and reason REASONING 14/20.02S reasoning REASONS 9/03 S Seminal Reasons REDEMPTION 8/22 F The Sorrowful-heart and Redemption 8/22 S Redemption 8/33-38| Sin and Redemption 8/36 F The Role of Woman in the Work of Redemption [C-60] 8/36 S Redemption 8/38 S Redemption 8/44 S Redemption 9/26 F Marxism and Human Redemption [C-42] 9/26 S Redemption 11/05 S Redemption REGULARITY 12/22 S sensible Regularity RELATION 14/15.15S relation 14/17.11S relation RELATIONS 14/22.03S relations of signification RELATIVISM 12/12 S relativism RELATIVITY 5/17 F Relativity [C-68] 5/17 S Relativity 5/18 F At the Threshold of Einsteinian Relativity 5/18 S Relativity 5/19 F Relativity [C-100] 5/19 S Relativity 6/02 S Relativity 6/04 S Relativity 14/13.03S relativity theory 14/23.01S relativity theory RELEVANCE 1/21 F The Relevance of Vague Knowledge [C-57] RELIGION 6/03 S Religion 9/20 F Science and Religion [C-69] 9/20 S Religion 10/29 S State and Religion 11/12 S Religion 13/24 S Religion RELIGIOUS 9/28 S Religious Freedom 14/06.02S religious liberty 15/09.11S religious life REMARKS 6/03 F Further Remarks on Numerical Measurement: RENAISSANCE 10/41 S Science and the Humanities in the Renaissance 12/06 S Renaissance 12/11 S Renaissance 13/10 S Renaissance RENE 14/23 F De Vogelaere, Rene 1951 14/23.01L Rene + Elizabeth De Vogelaere to Charles DeKoninck 1951/0520 14/23.02L Rene De Vogelaere to Charles DeKoninck 1951/0521 14/23.03L Charles DeKoninck to Rene De Vogelaere 1951/0731 REPETITION 8/27 F On Repetition [C-58] 8/28 F On Repetition [C-59] REPRESENTATION 14/16.10S representation 15/11.01S representation REQUIRES 10/17 F The Good of the Offspring Requires Infecundity RESEARCH 9/21 F Faith and Scientific Research REST 15/05.23S rest RESURRECTION 8/03 S Resurrection REVELATION 8/01 S Revelation 8/06 S Revelation 9/13 S Divine Revelation REVOLT 11/21 F The Revolt against Prudential Truth REVOLUTION 11/05 S Revolution 11/12 S Revolution REVUE 12/03 F Revue of De la primaute 13/27 f for Quodlibeta Revue RHETORIC 14/20.04S rhetoric RIGHT 4/08 F Signification of Right [A Demonstrative Critique] RIGOR 7/04 F Mathematical Rigor 7/05 F Infinity and Rigor [C-95] ROLE 3/25 F The Role of the Good in Nature 8/36 F The Role of Woman in the Work of Redemption [C-60] 10/35 F Role of the French Universities of Canada 10/36 F Role of the Catholic University in the Modern World ROMANTIC 14/02.18S romantic love ROMEO 14/06 F Blanchet, Dr. Romeo 1944 14/06.01L Dr. Romeo Blanchet to Charles DeKoninck 1944/0117 14/06.02L Charles DeKoninck to Dr. Romeo Blanchet 1944/0225 ROSARY 8/05 S Rosary 8/27 S The Rosary 8/28 S The Rosary 13/23 S Rosary ROUGH 1-13 d [lectures, courses, rough drafts, fiche, etc.] ROY 10/38 F Allocution by Mgr. Roy at University of Toronto 10/38 S Mgr. Roy 14/16.11L L.H. Bonnaux to Msgr. Camilee Roy 1940/0923 14/17.08L Maurice Roy to Charles DeKoninck 1945/0218 15/31 F Roy, Maurice [Archbishop of Quebec] 1954 15/31.01L Charles DeKoninck to Rev. Maurice Roy 1954/0502 15/32 F Roy, Rev. Raymond 1957 15/32.01L Fr. Raymond Roy to Charles DeKoninck 1957/0302 15/32.02L Charles DeKoninck to Fr. Raymond Roy 1957/0430 ROYAL 8/32 F The Blessed Virgin and Christ's Royal Ancestry 8/45 F The Royal Sacrament [C-61] RULE 14/06.02S rule of law RULES 13/16 S Rules for Teaching the Innocent RUSSELL 2/03 F Notes on Russell and Computers 2/03 S Russell 2/08 S Russell 6/10 S B. Russell 7/14 S Russell 7/25 S B. Russell 15/24.19S Bertrand Russell RUSSELL'S 7/03 S Russell's Antinomy RYLE 14/11.01S Gilbert Ryle